Friday, August 24, 2007

I am so tired.Thank goodness tommorow is my dya of.

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Hi all,

I am so tired right now and a little depressed.I am how ever looking forward to getting my room done.My Sis is good about that kind of stuff.I picked out a nice light blue color,its really pretty,havent picked a color for my Bathrrom yet.I been  staring at theeses awful ugly walls my whole life I been in that room and I thin a change would do me good.She wants me to get a night stand so I can put right by my bed,I can have my drink and my snacks.I will have to look at Value City or some place.I need a theem for my Bathroom,something difrent.I will show my Sis the color I want tommrow.I know She will be busy with Hom Schooling with Her kids,but,she said She will work around it.I really cant wait till I get this done,I think you all are right,this will be a good change

for me.My Sis says I need a comforting place to come home to.She knows best.

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The only thing is now,I have to go throw my whole romm and figure out what I dont want and what I do wand let me tell you,I love to keep everything.Old letters from school,ect.I just now need to put itno a scrap book.She really wants me to have a place were I can e comfy in,be peaceful.I want to get a new Tv stand.I have a table I dont even use,mabey I will use once I get my room fixd up.Enough about that,there are some things have been bothering me,but nothing I can do about it.Its probllay better left alone.I will be honest,I miss my Bestfriend and probllay wil never get our friendship back.She was my friend before anyone else.But I have to move on and I am moving on,just sometimes its hard.Its hard letting go.When you want to reach out and touch someone,even thoe things have been so very hard in the past.We had so much history together,so many good times.I want to tell Her I love Her and I miss Her,maybe someday I will tell Her that.But,She hasalways and always will be my Bestfriend,even thoe we dont talk,is that werid?To be Bestfriens and not talk?We had so much fun in School.How I wish things were diffrent.But I am happy,stressed out at times,but,happy.I have a good family,a wodnerful Boyfriend.But sometimes you feel like you want to reach out to someone and you cant.Because its hard.Anyways,enough said,I am going to bed,I am tired and need some sleep.I hope you all have a good night.By the way,I am way behind on alerts and will try to get to them.I miss my LapTop.I am going to try and check on it tommrow.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.

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Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your room.  My little boys' room is a very light blue and we just love it!  Good choice.  Try some stripes on 1/2 of one wall.  REally does wonders for the eyes.  And it doesn't seem like it would be that peaceful but it really is.  My friend did that in her bedroom on light blue and its beautiful.  I am also going to do that in Nicks room when I get the chance to.  I have all the stuff just have not gotten to it yet.  

Anonymous said...

Hope you get some rest. Everyone and including myself says they are tired lately. Have a wonderful weekend and will see your room when it is done. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your sister is helping you redecorate your room... I can't wait to see pictures! Did you decide on a theme for the bathroom.....
Enjoy your Saturday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you get the much needed rest. And I know a new change for your bedroom will be a good thing. :o)

Anonymous said...

You should get some rest! I would check some yard sales. I bet you could find some really cool night stands there!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your are depressed!!!  (((((((((((Hugs))))))))))...You can find a nice buy at a garage sale...and paint it the same color as your room...or an auction would have some good buys..put new drawer pulls on them and it would look really cute too..have a good weekend friend!  Hugs,TerryAnn