Saturday, July 26, 2008



Ok,now I am very FRUSTATED!!!!!!!By the way,I do hope everyone is having a good Sat.Looks like I wont be going to work untill I get this dagon note right.They faxed a note to my work,saying,I can work,but,I am very limted to what I will be doing and I have to sit down all the time.No,I cant do that,that means,I am still under Doctors care,I dont need to be on Doctors care.Now,well,first of all I called the after hour Doctor and they left a message for me for Monday moring.They are really going to love me.LOL.Because,I kept calling them Friday to fax the note over.What else is going to happend.I have no depression pills to help me sleep execpt for Amatryply50mg,which I take Aerqul600,really take 800mgs.I hope I dont have WithDraws.I am just soooooooo frustated.All I want to do right now is hide and not come out.I am going to have to get them to fax the note to my Dads fax machine.I could be under Doctors care,but,I dont want to.The asst.Manager at my stoor tryed to fax them back saying it was the worng note.I hope I can get this all sstrighten out.I was also told I need to start doing things for myself,yes,I know,but,now just makes me feel more depressed.What else is going to happend?


I think I could go for a big bowl if choclate ice villina ice cream with choclate icng,than go hide in my bed for a while.Right now,I am watching a show on deserts.Just what I need.I did get kinda sick last night,came out of no were,was watching tv,than all of a sudden I threw up,dont know why,maybe due to all the stress.My Boss tells me I need to calm down,I dont know how.I am worrying about everything,my job,my Health Insurance,which ended July 23rd,thought was ending July 31.I am worried about my 2 vactions,which I sooooooooooooo need right now.LOL.I just need to get away.I know I need to start doing things on my own,be a big girl,but,sometimes,I needed a little help.I need to stop crying over things that,yeah,I cry,but,its not going to get handeled that way.My friend called me earlyer,I didnt feel like talking to Her.Sorry,just not in the mood.I am 36 years old,feel like I am 2.LOL.Uuuuuuuuuuuuug.Than I know,my Mom is going to ask me to go to church tommrow,right now,I can tell you,I dont want to go.I like going to church,but,I dont want feel like I am being pused,is that so worng?I know I need it.My Mom tells me all the time.I can remember a time,were I was going to church and She wasnt.Anyways,I am going to head off.I think I will go down staris and get me a bowl of ice cream.I hope you all have a nice weekend.I just hope my Doctor doesnt get mad at me,because I mut of called 20 times Friday.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.I think maybe I will go see what my RugRats are doing outside.



Anonymous said...

Nothing seems to come easy for you Amanda.  I'm so sorry Sweetie.  Hang in there.  It can only get better right?
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Thats messed up.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this has messed you up on going back to your job...I pray it can all get straightened out soon...many hugs....and love,

Anonymous said...

Why can't they get a simple form straight? I found something at the grocery store that is soooo good to eat.  I hope you'll look for it too and tell me if you like it.  It's sold in the area where they sell packaged puddings.  It's put out be Del Monte and it's FREEZE AND EAT FRUIT CHILLERS. My favorite flavor is the strawberry right now.  It is so yummy.  The next time I eat one I'll think about you and hope you have one too.



Anonymous said...

If you are wanting to apply for SSDI, I highly recommend you check out The Disability Digest at  People who work there are volunteers and know how to help you beat the system.  They have had great success.  It's free and doesn't hurt to check them out.

Just some advice. *G*

Geeky Granny