Thursday, July 31, 2008



Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good night.As I am sitting here thinking of what to do,I think I know what I need to do.As hard as it will be tp call the head of the Boss tommrow and tell Him,I am comming back,I need to.I just hope He doesnt tell me that I am fired,dont think He will.I just been confused about so many things.I need to go back so I can get my Health Insurance back.I will tell Gary that maybe we can take a weekend vaction to Ocean City.I can take my one trip,but,dont think I can take m other one.I just want to get back into work.I dont care what anyone at work sas about me behind myy back.I just want to go to work and do my job.I just hope my Health Insurance will be ok.I got a letter saing it was termanited,but,I was told once I get back into work,it should kick back in.I know everyone was saying not to go back,but,I need to do this and if I feel I cant work,than I will take the next step.thanks for being there for me.I dont want to call,but I have to.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yes,I know I am nuts!!!!!!!LOL.


Hi everyone,

I hope you all are having a wonderful day.LOL.Do I sound scarcastic?LOL.I dont mean to.But after a few days I have had,well,I feel like hiding under my blankets and not comming out.I was so scard to call my Boss,thinking I was fired,when I am not.I tottlay messed up.I have no clue what I have been doing,were my mind has been.I am stressed,more stresed than depressed.I am going back to work,but after my vaction,I dont think I will be taking my 2 action with Gary.He can wait.I know you all must think I am crazy,not knowing what to do about going back to work.The most important thing for me right now is my Health Insurance.No one wants to see me get sick,because of being off my shots.I know some of you are saying dont go back,but I feel its the only thing I need to do.Than,if I feel I cant handel it,than I will take the next step.Honestly,I still dont know what to do.Maybe later down he road I cam try and get on SSI.But I think the only thing I can do,right now,which is best for me is,to go back to work.I know sweetheart Sharonna 1955,I know how you feel for me and want whats best for me.This is what I need to.I cant handel it anymore,cant handel the pressure,the stress,of allwhat I been under.I know,people are alot more worse off than I am,I get that.I never knew life could be this hard.I am strugling.I am broke,have no money comming in,no insurance.But I will be going back to work.I have to.Its the only way that I know.I was worrying myself sick last night,thinking about my Shots that I need.That is important to me.But what I need right now,is a good 8 hour of sleep.My room is a mess,dont want to deal with that right now.I could just take everything in my room and throw it out.LOL.My life is a mess,but like I said,could be alot worse.You all are problay thinking I am nuts.Go for it.LOL.But I am going to get off of here,take a much needed rest,after from worrying so much about everything,than my Mom.Dont get me started.LOL.Be ssafe and kool out there.Peaceout.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What do you think?


Hi all,

How is everyone?Good I hope.I am still the same,not good.I think I ryollay messed up.I quit,I didnt call work,I did cal my Doctor and told them to leave the note as is.You think my Boss would have called me to see what is up,but,no and She ows me money.I am not happy with Her.I can see how people really care.But than again,I could not be fired,becuase Gary says,I should call the big Boss of the stoor.I dont want to.I know my Mom is upset with me.She just doesnt want to see me home all the time.Thats not going to happend.I just talked to one of my Girlfriends and She is going to give me the address were to go to get on State Insurance and try to get SSI or SSDI,She also has a case worker that She knows,She is going to give me everything I need.Things could be alot more worse than they could,right?I almost did a stupid thing,but I didnt,came that close,but,what keeps me going is my family,my Boyfriend and you guys.But let me tell you,at times like this I want to.I almost emailed a lady at church,but,I didnt,I feel l want to talk to Her,but,I dont know what to say.You think it would be a good idea to talk to Her?I would also like to talk to my Brother in London,see what He says,but,Hes got enough on HIs hands right now.But taking everyhting aside,I feel like I did the right thing.I think things will work out.I hope,what do you think?Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.


Monday, July 28, 2008

You all are probllay gettng tred of me.



You all are probllay getting tired of me.I been wrtting alot in here lately and I probllay will.a of now.I quit.I am not going back to work.I am to call my Doctor and tel them to leave the note as is,the note to return to work.I kina nervous of what my Boss will try to call me. I was told not to call Shoppers or even my Boss.I dont even want to call my doctor.Rght now, have no Health Insurance, have been out for a while.I am in a bad place right now,wth having no Health Insurance.My Boss didnt want me to quit,I tryed telling Her I didnt want to come back and I dont.I dont know if She will try to cal me or not,because She is kinda execpting me to show up.But  have to have a fully relesed note,with no limations.So as of now,I have no job.Peaceout.I am out alot onmy medicines.f I wasnt so scared of,you know, would,but I am scared.


Would like some questions answerd?Thanks.


Hi guys,

Its me again,I just want to ask a few questions.As of right now,I am not going back to work,I am not quiting,I am just going to give them the run around for right now.I am going to tell them,I am comming back after my Vactions.But Id ont want to go back at all.What I would like to ask is,should I apply for State till I can get SSI?What should I do?Do you all think I am cabel of getting SSI?Right now I have no Health Insurance,whcih means no shots,no medicine.So,I am hurting.I dont know what to do.A friend of Garys,well was a good friend of mine till He hurt my feelings by saying that I am lazy by not going back to work,taking the easy way out.I dont think so.Why would He say that.He has no idea what I been through.I need to know if I would be doing the right thing by applying for SSI?But should get on State till I get on SSI?THanks.Should I get depressed about this?Which I know I am and I am upset.I just dont know what to do.

Not a good day.


Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good day.Me on the other hand,let me tell you,it hasnt been a good day.I am stressed,depressed,crying,dont know what to do anymore.I know me being out of it,itsnt going to help anything.As of right now,I qutit Shopppers,I dont want to deal with it anymore.I just got off the phone with my Boss and told Her,I am not ready to come back.I am in good shape.I just dont think I can do it,with even standing up for so long.I dont have any Health Insurance.I need to get my life in orde,I am a mess.I am going to try and get on SSI,maybe try to get on State till I get on SSI,I dont know which one would be faster to get on.I liked having a job,but,I just dont want to do it anymore.Right now I feel like giving up.I gues it could be alot worse.I have to call my Boss back in about 15 munites.I jut wanted to give you all an updae.I love you guys.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.One more thing,please pray for my family,theres a personal problem that needs prayer.Thanks.


Saturday, July 26, 2008



Ok,now I am very FRUSTATED!!!!!!!By the way,I do hope everyone is having a good Sat.Looks like I wont be going to work untill I get this dagon note right.They faxed a note to my work,saying,I can work,but,I am very limted to what I will be doing and I have to sit down all the time.No,I cant do that,that means,I am still under Doctors care,I dont need to be on Doctors care.Now,well,first of all I called the after hour Doctor and they left a message for me for Monday moring.They are really going to love me.LOL.Because,I kept calling them Friday to fax the note over.What else is going to happend.I have no depression pills to help me sleep execpt for Amatryply50mg,which I take Aerqul600,really take 800mgs.I hope I dont have WithDraws.I am just soooooooo frustated.All I want to do right now is hide and not come out.I am going to have to get them to fax the note to my Dads fax machine.I could be under Doctors care,but,I dont want to.The asst.Manager at my stoor tryed to fax them back saying it was the worng note.I hope I can get this all sstrighten out.I was also told I need to start doing things for myself,yes,I know,but,now just makes me feel more depressed.What else is going to happend?


I think I could go for a big bowl if choclate ice villina ice cream with choclate icng,than go hide in my bed for a while.Right now,I am watching a show on deserts.Just what I need.I did get kinda sick last night,came out of no were,was watching tv,than all of a sudden I threw up,dont know why,maybe due to all the stress.My Boss tells me I need to calm down,I dont know how.I am worrying about everything,my job,my Health Insurance,which ended July 23rd,thought was ending July 31.I am worried about my 2 vactions,which I sooooooooooooo need right now.LOL.I just need to get away.I know I need to start doing things on my own,be a big girl,but,sometimes,I needed a little help.I need to stop crying over things that,yeah,I cry,but,its not going to get handeled that way.My friend called me earlyer,I didnt feel like talking to Her.Sorry,just not in the mood.I am 36 years old,feel like I am 2.LOL.Uuuuuuuuuuuuug.Than I know,my Mom is going to ask me to go to church tommrow,right now,I can tell you,I dont want to go.I like going to church,but,I dont want feel like I am being pused,is that so worng?I know I need it.My Mom tells me all the time.I can remember a time,were I was going to church and She wasnt.Anyways,I am going to head off.I think I will go down staris and get me a bowl of ice cream.I hope you all have a nice weekend.I just hope my Doctor doesnt get mad at me,because I mut of called 20 times Friday.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.I think maybe I will go see what my RugRats are doing outside.


Friday, July 25, 2008

I need help.Yes,I know,not that kind of help.LOL.


Ok,this is a stupid question,but,um,does anyonw know how I can find out how many years I been Journaling?I am sure I missed my Annivsarys.LOL.But I really dont know how to check that out.I am dumb founded.Thanks.Becase I would like to start putting my annivsarys in here,if I  knew how.I feel stupid.Thanks.One more thing,I have a question abot graffics,how do yo get rid of alot of them off yor puter?Not my special graffics with my name and people have made for me,just ones I have used and dont need.How do yo save all of yor graffics,it wold probllay take me a year to get them all to photo bcket.LOL.Thanks.I been trying to delete the ones I dont need,seems like they are comming back.LOL.One more thing,how do you get rid of stff to make your puter cleaner and faster?

Rest In Peace Estelle Getty.


I remember when this show was popular,I loved watching it,I actullay  watch the rerns on cabel and I am watching the special of Estelle Getty today,now.She lived a very long life.I am sre Her costars miss Her alot.Rest In Peace Estelle Getty.I also wanted to point out that what Jeanno43 said in Her comment,that Estelle Getter had a very intresting.beliveable role on the show.She was real and I loved the way She plaed as a Mother to Her Daughter on the show,they both had a special bond for eachother.I think every Mother and Daughter shold have that.I am close with my Mom,even thoe its hard,living in the same house.I know I can go to Mom and talk to Her.She is always there.A Mothers love is always real.Ok,I am going to cry now.LOL.I just thought I would share this with you all.She was a remarkable woemn.She will be missed.

 img182/9091/estellenw0.jpg                                          img262/5761/goldengirlsge0.jpg                                    img523/8661/estellegetty240ts1.jpg                                      




Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thrsday Happenings.


Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good night.I am doing ok here,a little frustated,but,hanging in there,I think.LOL.We had a pretty nasty storm here,the same one that Joyce from springangel235,Her Journal is private.But after the storm,here today,it was very nice and kool.I sat otside with my Mom and Dad on the porch for a few munites.I know,what,am I nuts?LOL.Anyways,nothing much going on,except I will be going back to work this Monday moring.I am a little excited.How ever,I did find out today,my Health Insrance ended July 23,thought it was July 31,seems like I keep getting the stinking run around with my Insurance.But all will be find,when I get back to work and I get my first pay check,my Health Insurance should kick back in.Right now,I dont have any pain medicine,I have a few.I think I will be ok.I think my Boyfriend is going to pay out of pocket so I can get my medicine.My shots on the other hand,thank goodness,I have 2 shots till my Insurance kicks back in.One thing after another,isnt it?


It sure did feel werid walking into my stoor today,but it was nice getting out and being arond people.I walked into my dapartment and everyone came up to hug me,which is nice.When I was working there before,when I ever I got off of work,we all would hug eachother,its like we are family.So I will be going in on Monday moring at 8 to 12,4 hours,which is fine with me.I will tell you all this,that place is one big mess,all the tables in there had so mch stuff on them.It hasnt changed a bit.LOL.I am going to do anything heavy or go in the freezer,my Boss told me that,becase one thing,cold doesnt help with Arthitis,I know that.Oh yeah,I forget to get one thing I needed from my Doctor,so,I called my Doctor and my Boss got on the phone and said I needed a Doctors note to come back to work,I had my other papers,but I forgot a Doctors note and how could I forget that,becase,I been out before.I knew I was forgetting something.But all is fine.I just hope I will be able to get to go on my 2 vactions.I am pretty srure I will,but wont get paid.I can deal with that.Anyways,I am going to try and get some sleep,have to get up early to go to the stoor with my Mom.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.I am so looking forward to my Disney Cruise,I cant wait,I leave on Sept 9th.

img210/3810/1qjr7.gif                            img510/2053/mickeyamandavicq8.png  


Friday, July 18, 2008



Hi all,

 I hope everyone is having a good Friday.I am doing ok,hanging in there.Yesterday was very stressful,after finding out that I already used my 12 weeks of an Exstion,which I didnt think that I used it up.Like I mentioned I am going back to work soonner,like next Friday.But,than someone from work calls me,well,I call Her,because She wanted to talk to me.She tells me that I need to make sure I still have my job,because I had been out for so long.So,I was upset and my Mom was upset,So I called my Boss and talk to Her and She told me my Job was fine,just get a Doctors note and come back to work.When I go to my Doctor I hae to make sure I am fully released,I just cant have Him sign it,He has to write,fully released.Mean while,I might still go and ply for SSI,if and I decided to get on it and I do get on it,I may quit.BUt than again,I am not sure.It might be good for me just to get out and about.I dont know if I am looking forward to going back or not,after yesterday,I am kinda stressed out.But,I have to go back,no buts about it.Right now,I dont pay or my shots,so thats a good thing,my Health Insurances covers it,which it didnt before.


So,that means,I have to find my work shirt and wash it.I need to get a new pair of shooses,because I am still wearing the ones from last year.LOL.Well,not last year,but,they are old.Other than that,I am not doing much of nothing.I need to take the books back to the Library.May get a few more.I am watching the Dvd called Stepup2,which Stepup1 was alot better.But I love a good ending.It makes me smile.LOL.You would have to see the ending.I love movies that inspire me.I wish I had something that inspres me.Do you have something that inspires you?What mkes your heart fly?If  you know what I mean?Anyways,I need to get off of here and get cleaned up.I hope you all have a niceweekend.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Looks who going back to work sooner than I thought I was?


Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good day.I am doing ok here.Well,I got some news for you all.I know some of you think I am not ready to go back to work,well,to be honest with you all,I am not,but,looks like I will have to go back sooner than I thought.I am talking about next Friday,going back to work,in order for me to keep my Health Insurance.Yup,looks like it.In a way,I am looking forward to it,than again,I am not.I talked to my Boss and told Her I had a problem,I wanted to come back sooner,but,that I had 2 vactions already set in and I couldnt get out of them,well I couldnt gt out of one,thats a must.That one is the one I am going with my Mom,Sister and family on a Disney Cruise.Which I am looking forward to that one.I cant wait.So tommrow I have to call my Boss again and She was going to check and see how many vaction hours I have,which I probllay think I have none.But I am still going.I also have my vaction with Gary every year in Sept.So I will probllay take both of them and than nothing till next year.Which is ok with me.LOL.I need to get back to work into the swing of things.I know,its to soon.But,I have to do what I have to do.


So I thought you all would like to know that.I have alot to get done before next week.I need a hair cute and I need to get new shoose,I love to get New Balance,because they are really good,thats the only type of brand shoose I will wear.I need to wash my work shirt,dont ask how long its been in my laundry basket.LOL.I know,I am bad.I will probllay need to get a new one.Tommrow I have a Doctors app to see my Dermatolgist.I also need to try and start going to bed at an early time.Because more likly,I will be going into work at 6 in the moring with Gary,I hope anyways.I will only be working 4 hours a day,probllay 3 or 4 days.If I work Sundays,I get time and a half.Anyways,my oldest Nephew is spending the night tonight with us,He will be comming home after church.That should be fun.He loves to ask lots of questions.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.


Monday, July 14, 2008

I am vert,very tired.LOL.


Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a good night.I am doing ok here,just tired,might go to bed in a few,but,wated to do some things before I go to sleep.Okmwant to ask you all a question,which might be a stupid one.LOL.I want to make a scrap book with my letters,post cards and maybe my pictures,I want it to be an on line Journal scrap book.But what I want to ask you is,when you start scrap booking,what is the best way to add your pics,from the old ones to the new ones?Do you put your first pics in first or the old ones?Maybe it doesnt matter.Ok,that was a stupid question.I am getting very sleepy,I should turn in.I had alot to say,but,cant remember what.LOL.


I did want to tell you all,I went to Church Sunday and it was good to go.I went to Sunday School class,they always have a class for College students andfor people like me who dont go to college.I had fun,but it was soooo freaizning.There was like 6 girls,She preached on about having resect for yourself and about being married to have Sex.I belive I need to go to Church more often.The Sunday School Teacher was telling us that there is a trip for the college kids and teenagers in Augst 8th and 9th,I am thinking about going,but,I dont know,I am very shy when it comes to new people and places,but,my Sister would be going to.I am sure alot of you all would tell me to go.Alot of times,more likely all of the times,I think with my mind,which meand my mind tells me dont do this,does that make sence?I strugel with that alot.I had to stop seeng  my Shrink,till maybe I go back to work.Its hard for me right now,Ack,I am falling alseep.Anyways,I was thinking of writting a letter to one of the Missonarys from our church who lives in Austrila,my dream place,just a note saying Hi,should I do that?I was thinking of writting to all the Missonarys.One is leaving church going back to the Philpians,one is in Austrila who is the Pastoers Daughter and my oldest Brother who is in London,with there 6th chilid.Anyways,I heading to bed.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.

Weekly Sentence with Val.

  *  Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
        be made from these letters.  The letters today are:

        An example of a sentence could be -
Paul's ape seemed to
       require naps. 
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder,etc.?

The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
Thursday, 4PM EDT. The winner will be announced Friday morning
       or afternoon.

A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
       Season, every Sunday Morning.

*   If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
       will be judged.

      Have fun!

My answer is....

Please Amy,Start Training right now.

I know,maybe not as good as the rest of you,but I try.LOL.Have a good night.


Getting to know you

I read this from Donnas Journal from This and that..this is my first time doing one of theeses things.Enjoy
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?  Nope,dont think so
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Havent cryed in a while,been depressed yes,crying no
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Turkey,I love a good Clube Sandwhich
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? No,but I do hae all together 15,soon will be 16 Neices and Nephews,y Sister N law is now pregnat with there 6th kid 
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? I would hope so,I am still learning how to like myself
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS Hmmmmmmm,I dont know,cal me dumb,but,wll have to ask Mom
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Chip beef and grave that my Mom makes and Blueberry pancake from Bob Evans.Yuuumy11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Yup
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Honestly,no,but,I would like to be
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Vainilla and Choclate,yummy,with a brownie
14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT other people.Sometimes,the way they talk and there eyes
15. RED OR PINK?Pink
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST My Brother who is in London with His family,they are Missonarys.I also miss my Bestfriend,I havent spoken to Her in ages,but I dont even have Her number,I had Her addy at one time,but,now cant find it
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Sure,why not,or put it in your Jurnal
19. WHAT COLOR  SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Not wearing any right now,I am in my pjs.LOL.But I usllay wear my teni shoose which are yellow and blue New Balance
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? A Cheesbugar from Wendys and a rootbere float
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?Watching Picture this with Ashely Tisdale that I taped from last night
22. IF YOU WHERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?  Havent really thought of it,maybe black.LOL.
23. FAVORITE SMELL?  Winter,I love snow,I know,
25. FAMOUS PERSON YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET?  The Goregus,adorable and hot Matthew Mc,sorry cant spell His last name,I would love to have a huge big poster of Him in my room.LOL.
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH?  I am not into sports,but,would hae to say I am a Redskins fan,yeah,I know,they havent been doing to good,but,I am a die hard fan
27. HAIR COLOR? Curly brown hair
28. EYE COLOR? Bown
29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Nope,but do need to get my eyes looked at 
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Spagtti
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Of course,happy endings32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Ashley tisdale in Her movie Picture This,kinda silly
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter,I love snow35. HUGS OR KISSES? Both
36. FAVORITE DESSERT? I t would have to be choclate icecream from Baskin Robbins with a browine,yummy.
37. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Would love to see alot of you all
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Dont have a mouse,use my fingers
41. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? I just answered this.LOL.Picture This
42. FAVORITE SOUND? Never really thought about it,me snoring.LOL.
44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME?  Thats easy,London England,would love to go back
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? You know,I dont know if I have any.LOL.How ever,I use to be a good writter,I used to love to write storys,that is one of my dreams to write a novel

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Weekley Setence with Val...


  *  Each Sunday I will post a set of six letters.  A sentence must
        be made from these letters.  The letters today are:

        An example of a sentence could be -
Take a siesta before
       the dance!
These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
        who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will
        they decide the winning sentence?  The submission that receives
        the strongest reaction -  Did it make them laugh, sad, ponder,etc.?

The winner will receive a logo for his/her blog sidebar with their
        screen name on it.

Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
       entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
       entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
       Thursday, 4PM EST.
The winner will be announced Friday morning
       or afternoon.

A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
       Season, every Sunday Morning.

*  If you submit more than one sentence, only your first sentence
     will be judged.
Have fun!!
This Week's Letters:


Here is me Sentences game,

Living the right songs through magic.

I know its not the best sentence as otheres.Peaceout.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Happenings.


Hi everyone,
I hope you all are having a good day.I hope everyone had a good 4th of JULY weekend.It was a quiet one here.Just my Mom,Dad and I.I could see the FireWorks from my bedroom window,but didnt watch them all.It was my medicine that made not get out of the tub.I now know to take my medicine at my regular time.Oh yeah,I am an Aunt again.That will be number 16 Neices and Nephews.My Sister N Law from London is now pregnat with Her 6th kid.We are all happy for Her.Nothing else much going on here.How ever I did found out that my Health Insurance wont be ending till July 3oth,that is good,hopfully I will get my exestion till I go back to work on Sept 30th.It is hard for me right now paying for all of my Doctor Bills.I hope you all have a nice week ahead.Be safe and kool out there.I have a question for you all.How do you relax during your day?Whn you get depressed,how do you find ways of getting yourself out?Yes,I know its wintet Tinkerbell,maybe it will kool everyone down.LOL.I have another question,how do you become cheerful?What does it actullay mean to you?Yes,I am fully of questions and I need answers.LOL.


Sunday, July 6, 2008



Hi eveyone,

I hope you all is having a good night,I also hope you all had a good 4th.First of,before I start I just want to say thank you all for the good advice.I will tell Gary that we need to start doing things diffrent.But He does already know that.He just told me that today when He poped in for a munite and He also told me that I should get a younger Boyfriend,I sai no,I dont wan anyone else but Him in my life.I just dont Him,but I love Him.He gives the best of hugs and kisses.


Anyways,I thought I would tell you that for a moment I thought I would had to yell down staris to get my Dad to come and help me out of the bathtub.It scared me,everytime I would try and lift myself up,I had to lay back down.I almost started crying,becaus I couldnt get out.You might think it was stupid for me to saying I was crying,but it really did scare me and I couldnt get out of the tub.That has never happend to me before.I think it was the medicine I am taking.serqil600.I dont think I should take it anymore.Maybe I took to early,but I took around 7 and I usllay take about 8.I had to nearly crael out of the tub.I was shaking so badI feel it may get worse.I am just tired right now,feel like I dont get any rest.I dont allow myself to.I mean,I may lay down like I did all day,but I still havent felt I I got any rest.I am stil shaking as I am typing this entry.Well,I am going to try and relax and ttry to sleep.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceot.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Staurdy happenings.


Hi all,

I hope everyone is haaving a good 4th of JULY weekend.It was just a quiet one here.Not much going on.I did how ever,last night I saw a few fire works from my window.I didnt think I would see them,but,I did.Nothing like they were when I was little.My Sister had fun in New York with Her family and some friends from church.She said there was about a thousand people there watchinf the fire works.Maybe next year I could go with Her.I have always wanted to see the fire works in New York and I also would like to see them down in Dc.Not much going on today.Mom and I went to Kmart and bought a few things.She knows I am not getting paid right now,so,She helps me out and Gary to.So now I am home,I may take a little nap,even thoe I woke up late,I am still tired.But I anted to ask a few questions.


Ok,I want to ask you all,how do you make things intresting in your lives?How do you make your lives less boring?I want to do diffrent things with Gary,He does to,but,we seem to do the same things anymore.He is always working.But we need to spice up both of our lives.we are always going to the Doctors or to the Dollor stoor,not that I love going to the Dollor stoor.I love going there.Its just we need to do something diffrent.I need to make my life a little more intresting.But is there a way to do that?So if you all have any questions,please,I would like to know.Also,do you all have any questions on how I can excerise my legs?Yes,I know walking,maybe there is a good site if anyone knows of one.Anyways,I am going to get off of here and ly down for a while.I hope you all have a good day.Be safe and cool out there.Peaceout.


Friday, July 4, 2008

All is fine.


Just wanted to let you all know,all is fine.I called Gary on His cell phone and He asked why I didnt call Him and I told Him what the lady said and He wasnt very happy and I am not very happy either.I told Him to have His cell phone on Him tommrow,because,I am not calling the stoor.I have no clue why She did that.Be safe out there and watch some fire works for me.Peaceout.

HAPPY 4th of JULY everyone!!!!!

small331612.gif 4th of July image by bodell29                                    4th.gif 4th of July image by gjohnson59

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is having a HAPPY 4th of JULY.Me,I am not happy right now with Gary,unless I hear from Him,which I havent heard from yet and I usllay do.I called the stoor and ask to speak to Him like I usllay do and He told the lady at the desk to me He was gone for day and She asked if I wanted anythin else and I said no.At first I was like,no,He has to be there,I thought She was teasing with a758dce7.gif 4th july image by alyssabamme,but,She wasnt.So,now I am waiting for Him to call me.If I dont hear from Him,I am speaking to Him.Unless Hes got a good excuse.Usllay He would call me first if I didnt call Him.So,we will se what happends.I am going to get off of here and lay down.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.I am pray it doesnt rain for you all whos having Bbqs,hot dogs,pato salad,deserst,all the yummy food.Peaceout.

4th.gif 4th of July image by canglai