Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Still trying to wake up,but,I am getting there,moring to all

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Hi all,moring to all.It is cold this moring and I didnt feel like getting up.lol.Why am I up,dont ask,I have another Doctors app to go to this moring at 10 and one more tommrow.l;ol.I know,I had alot of Doctors apps to go to.I put in my profile,wonder if htis will work.lol.My Moms bday party last night went well.She had a good time.Just being with family,is all that matters and the Grandkids.I have so much worrying going on right now.Worrying abou how am I going to help pay for this trip to the Bahamas that Mom and I are going to with my Sister and HEr family.My boyfriend is helping as much as He can and will pay all of it and even give me spendinf money.But that is probllay my Birthday and Christmas presant.lol.But thats ok,I have always wanted to travel.And you wont be on this world forever.So do as much as you want now before to late.Well,I better get going and get some things done.I hope you all have a nice day and hope it warms up later.lol.God bless alll.I would love to have comments.Hehe.

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