Monday, April 17, 2006

Good day all

Monday 9:58Am 4/17/2006

Just want to say good moring to all,cant stay long,I have alot to do.It is my Moms birthday today.were just going to have a family gathering tonight for Her.It will be fun,with all the kids here.Most of them anyways.So I just wanted to say Hi real quick.I have to run,I am alwyas on the go,go,go,lol.but dont forget,always to say thank you to God for this day,thaty our alive,well and your happy,or you may not be,but,your here and He has a plan for you and just remember,THIS TO SHALL PASS!!! God bless you all,have a wonderful week.I will be back later.Peace.I am back,just for a short few munites I have through out my busy,busy day and I will tell you all about it later.It is sooooooooo think I must have done anything and everything in this house today,just to get ready for Moms bday party,which She knows about.She shouldnt have to do anything anyways.So,I am doing it for Her.But let me tell you,after everyone leaves tonight,I am probllay going to left shoulder has been killing me to the bones.I dont know if I pulled a muscle or not.I am going to my Arthitis Doctor,so,I will get Him to look at it.I think I just been doing to much lately and its all catching up with am waiting for my boyfriend to come and get me to take mt to the DOctors.He is good about that.He takes me were I need to go.Hi all,I am back,not for long,just wanted to chat for a few.Were having a party over here for my Mom,which you all know it is HEr bday.All the kids are running around,having a blast.Its fun.I just cant wait to bite into that cake,its not a cake,its what I been wanting for a long time,from costco.Its a fruit pie with lots of fruit on top and it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.I want some now.By the way,I have a clean bill of health at my Doctors.So that is good and my account is payed up with that one,which I am happy about,I am going to get off of here for now.I will be back later.Diffrent timesame place.CYa later.Be good now.




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