Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunays Happenings.


Hi everyone,

How are all of you doing?I hope you all are doing good.Me on the other hand,is tired.Yup,its a good tired,I cant belive I even said that.LOL.I think I am glad to be back at work,even thoe its still hard for me,which I do belive its getting better each day.But it does keep my mind off from worrying so much about everything.LOL.I am trying to take it one day at a time.When I am at work,I try so hard not to think of being in of my CO workers,always tell me,She says dont think of the pain,block it out,its not so easy to do.Do you all have any advice on how I can do that?Do you think that will really help for me to do,to try and block it out?I want to realy learn how to find some tapes on pain,like I think it was Jeannette Jotting who said it would do me some good,I think when I go to the Libray,I will find something on that.I think its time for me to stand on me own 2 feet and leanr how to have a pastive out look in life.


I would love to go and see my Arthitis doctor to ask Him what would help the swelling go down for my knees,because they are always swolen.The only thing is,I havent seen Him in a long time,wonder if He will see me again?I am worried about my Boyfriend,He hasnt been doing to good,I went back to work and  now Hes out,He maybe going back to work Tuesday.He has to get a tooth pulled on Tuesday,His first tooth being pulled.Than His foot got really swolen and He had to see a foot Doctor,He gets the gout every now and than,he also had to get some blood taken,because the foot doctor is worried,because He saw some red marks on His legs,I forgot what its called,I know it starts with a C.If you all could say a prayer for Him,I would be greatful.Ok,I am going to get off of here and go to bed.I think once my head hits the pillow,I will be alseep.LOL.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.



Anonymous said...

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Keeping all in prayer...I understand how you feel with your pain... I like you have to tell myself to keep going..hard to believe one day I can be hurting and then then the next it hurts more and I was just thinking the day before how bad it was...I always thank God cause so far...he gives me the strength to keep going...I sometimes think how..then I get through another day.  Hang in there and I do hope that you will get some relief soon..Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

You hang in there Amanda.  It sounds like you are toughing it out.  Wish I had some advise about your pain.  Will keep you in my thoughts Sweetie.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your boyfriend!!  I hope you both get well soon.  Love ya, Shelly

Anonymous said...

AWW I Hope you and gary get better soon seems like both of you are catching hell and i am happy that your happy to be back to work makes you feel alot better trust me i know lol its nothing like working again.

Anonymous said...

I think you are doing great considering all you have to deal with concerning pain...just take one day at a time.  Hope you get to see your doctor soon...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying being back at work. Hope you and your boyfriend feel much better soon. Paula