Saturday, June 24, 2006

and so it goes on

Hey guys,hows it going?I hope all is having a good weekend.I am having a good weekend,even thoe,I am feeling a little tensed in my shoulders,mayb because I am feeling stressed,just so much to worry about,and I know its not a good hting to worry about things,but how do you just stop worrying about it all?Its my constance battle in my life,I think I get it from my mean,really,how do you just let it all go and start having some fun in your life?I know I have alot to be thankful for,I am blessed beyond blessed,but,yeah,theres a but in do have someone to talk to about things like this,but I have only been seeing for a few times,which I am making some progress.All in all,I just hope somehting good comes out of it.I am seeing a counslor.Nothing worng with that.I just dont udnerstand why right now,I feel so tebsed and stressed out from worrying,worrying about bills,I dont have alot of em,but still worrys me.DO I sound like I am a complainer,I guess I do.That is not what I want to sound like.But I cant lie and say I am happy,which I am still trying to figure that out.I have a good family who lvoes me,a good boyfriend who lvoes me,who is always there fo me for what ever the reason.Anyways,I will stop there.Will see you all later.Peace out.

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