sorry,it doesnt seem like a good Monday moring.Well that dooes it,I did a whole entry,was almost done and about to hit save and I must of accdently cancled it.I hate when that was a good start of the day till my Mom woke up.we were susposed to go out.We were going to do a Moms day today,but it didnt turn out to be that way.I dont understand Her.I got up this moring,took a shower,was getting ready for Mom.I go down stairs and start ckeaning up some.I go to put the dishes in the dish washer,I didnt know they was clean already,they didnt look that clean to me.So,Mom comes out and yells at the bottom of the stairs to my room and ask me if I put more dishes into the dish washer,I said yes and She got mad.I didnt know what She was saying as She walked away.So,I just let it go for a few munites,than I went down stairs,I did say I was sorry at first,and I said I am getting ready to go with you,and She is like,no,go back upstairs and get on your puter.So,She will be mad for the rest of the day.I will be stuck in my room,the rest of the day.She really gets on my nerves.I am trying to help out and I do one mistake and She gets mad.I think She is just tired,because,She been up all night.Who knows.She told me earlyer before all this happend to go get dressed and I was,till this happend.Oh well.This to shall pass.Anyways,I hope you all have a better day than I am having now.I can actullay say,today,being Monday,is a bla day.I am not going out tommrow,because its date night,than She gets mad cause I am always out with Gary.Today,this moring,I try really hard doing what She wants to do.If it was my Sister calling,and sometimes they aruge or have a ,what ever you want to call it.Mom calls Her back and trys to make things up with Her.I dont understand it.I feel as thoe,She doesnt never want to make my Sister mad and I love my Sister,dont get me worng.If my Mom isnt feeling well enough to watch the kids,She will do it anyways and wont say anything.I dont get it.I said enough.I better go.I think I will just go back to bed.and another thing,I was mad at work,because,one co worker,gets to have only one day off and She is a dagon parttimmer just like me!!!!!!!Today isnt my day.Have a nice one you all.Be safe and peaceout.Ok,one more thing,the phone rings,it is my Sister,and Mom talks to Her and ask if She take my neice out with Her to go shoping.Ok,I am mad now.I am not going to speak to Her.I am just upset and now i have tears slowy running down my face.Am I that bad of a daughter?
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You sound like a daughter that is trying very hard to make mom happy. Sorry your mom doesn't see it that way. Hope you have a nice day. Make the best of it.
no its not your fault at all! Molly love the graffic too
Awww hun. I can feel how upset you are from here!
It just hasn't been your day has it.
I'm always making mistakes like that. Get this, I once broughr Mum and Grans bins in one morning as the bin men had been. Later that day, they start yelling at me because they hadn't been emptied when I brought them back, so we had to cope with two full bins for a!!
Today wasn't your fault hun. Maybe Mom has something on her mind and you happen to be the one that got the brunt of it, but always remember, we yell at the ones we love the most.
Chin up hun,
Lv Stevie
You're NOT a bad daughter, honey. Sometimes, loved ones just take things out on each other. It is hard, I know, when you're doing your best. Just be yourself, and remind yourself all the time, that if your best is good enough for God, it ought to be good enough for YOU and everybody else. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're a really sweet person, knocking yourself out to make others happy. I'd hug you if I could, but my arms can't reach that far. lol
Hope you don't let this keep you down too much. While you're busy being angry, or sad, everybody else just does their thing. See what I mean. It pays to just do our best not to let other peoples frustrations effect the way our day goes. We can be as happy as we've a mind to be--or as miserable.
Love you
its not you its your mom she is taking her attitude out on you when she needs to be dealing with the real person she is mad at sorry she is tripping out have a good night.
hang in there.
Sorry to her your day went wrong. I don't think shes mad at you,I think she upset about something else and you just happened to get the attitude for it because youa are home and the closet one to her. as for your sister, shes out of the house and older. It's a mom thing honey, we try harder with the older kids because we know they don't really need us anymore and we don't want them to be angry with us and close the door on us. understand alittle? I don't think your a bad daughter.I think you two have alot of miscomunication, try to talk more with her on matters of the heart ok.
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