Hi all,
I hope everyone is having a good evening.I am doing ok.I just got home from work.I had to close tonight,I said I would,so,I did,which I am getting the hang of now,even thoe I still hurt,but,actullay not to bad,how ever my feet are kinda hurting me now.But all in all,I am ok.Even thoe I been doing major heavy work,,since I got back to work,its been hard but I can do it.Good thing,I have a vaction comming up,which I am looking forward to it.How ever,let me tell you what happend today,which I wasnt happy at all about it and I have to fae it tommrow moring when I go into work.I am really embarssed about it.I dont want to go into work,because like I said,I will have to face it.When I went to work,my Boss just came out and said to me,I dont think you will get to go on vaction and I just looked at Her and said,so what do I do?She said I should go to the head Boss and beg Him to give me my vaction.Fisrt of all,She was on a power trip,when I came in,meaning She was in a bad mood.I will probllay be in a bad mood tommrow.I dont get it,I just dont get it.I dont get Her and right now,I dont get me.LOL.

I know this is a huge pic,but I like it.This is one of my fave shows,I hate that it is the last show this Tuesday,till next year.Anyways,I think we could use a new Bakery Manager,She will never give me my money back that She owes me.I could use that moen.Ok,let me get back to what I was talking about.She told me,that when I came back to work,everything was fine,that I would be able to go on my vaction,She even said She would give it to me,no matter what,than She turns around today and said,I might not be going on my vaction.I was mad and upset.I think She just said that because,for one thing,like I said,She was in one of Her moods.I asked Her what should I do and She,first said,talk to the head Boss and beg Him,thoes were Her words.I think She just said that,because,She doesnt want me to go.Well,you know what,I am going,even if I get fired tommrow.LOL.Its not actullay funny.But,I either have to laugh,or cry.LOL.But here is the embarssing point.I texed my Sister,told Her I wasnt sure if I will get to go on my trip,She comes in the stoor and aske me were is my head Boss,my Boyfriend said,He was gone already,which He wasnt.So my Sister talks to Him and tells Him about our vaction,She explains that everything was set in motion,our plane ticket and our Disney Cruse.I didnt want to loose out on it,because,I put alot of money into it,so did my Boyfriend.Now I think about it,I dont want to go into work tommrow.But I have to face the music.I read in one of my friends here in J-land,Monea,sorry if I spelled your name worng.She was talking about,She had an embarssing moment.Well,I think this toped Hers.LOL.She tels Him that my Boss aid it was ok and that today,She tells me,I had to talk to Him and beg Him to go.He tells my Sister that everyhint should be ok,but He had to talk to my Boss.She isnt going to be happy with me.The thing is,my head Boss asked my Sister,why I didnt come and talk Him.now that I think about,I really hate myself for doing this.

Do you think everything will be ok tommrow?I think it will be ok,but I really feal bad about not going to Him and talking to Him.I can hear my Boss now.You cant handle things on your own,you have to get your Sis to help you do things.If She was in a bad mood today,She will be tommrow.I cant take it anymore.I o need to stand up for myself,I will talk to Him and tell Him that I am very shy when it comes to talk about things like this.My Bakery Manager will be like/I was going to talk to Him,and I didnt know my Sis was going to talk to Him.I am really upset with my Bakery Manager.I do alot for Her,go out of my way.But I know what will happend,She will lie,I think She will even lie about what told me.I am going to feel really stupid.I guess I will find out tommrow,what will happend.My Boyfriend says dont worry about it.I know my Bakery Manager will talk about me,She will probllay talkabout me behind me back.I can hear the other lady who works with us in the moring doing donuts,She wil be like,you are a big baby and cant hadle doing things on your own.if I have to,I will talk to my head Boss by Himself,not with my Bakery Mananger.I guess I am going to have to face the music.She can be so fake sometimes.Maybe I shouldnt say that.She even said to me the other day,talking about who is going to be presdient,I didnt sa anything,not going to.Shes voting for Obama,She said that Her and another lady who does cakes,because She is black and the cake lady is spanish,they are,I cant spell this word,mynoirty.I dont get into that stuff,I am tired of hearing it.I am not racist,I am the only white person back there.But I get along good with everyone and I like everyone.Dont get me worng.It just upset when She told me that.I was like,when She was saying,I said,dont get me involvd,because I said,I was voting for anyone.No one intrests me.I dont mean to offend anyone,that is not what I was trying to do.I think I need to get off of here and get some sleep.My stomach was hurting me so bad tonight at work,I felt like I wasnt going to make it,but I did.Ok,I think thats enough,I probllay talked your heads off.LOL.Anyways,have a good night,be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.I would like to know what all of your opions is on what happend to me at work.Thanks for barring with me.I will let you all know what happends tommrow.TaTa.