Good after noon everyone,
I hope you all is having a good one.I am good here.Its been really nice here.The weather is so AWSOME!!!I love it.I opend my window,I have been opening it,letting my room get some air.I have really been feeling better with my new meds.They have been helping alot.I have been more relaxed.I still have thoes times were I want to do everything al at one time,than,I have to stop and tell myself,ok,one day at a time.So all in all,its been good.I can actullay say,my room has been CLEAN!!!LOL.Today,I am Wendexing,I love the smell of it.Ok,so,I am nuts.LOL.Oh yeah,I also had to rest my favorite places.Other than me cleaning up around here in my room,I been lazy,still in my pjs.LOL.Well,I did take a bath this moring.But you all didnt need to know that.LOL.I love seeing my room clean.I love the smell of wendex.I know,I am werid.I also have my Priates of the carebein calander hung up right next to my bed.LOL.So,I am still looking for thoes Bdays.

Nothing else going on today,how ever,tommrow,I have an app with a new Regular Doctor,which I am sooooo happy about.I told my Dad and He was like,another one and I said yes and I also told Him that my insurance said it was ok for me to get one.So my Sister,I love Her alot,She has nothing to say about me getting a new one,since,I called my insurance and talked too them about it and they said it was ok to get another one.Since they was like,they wouldnt have put up with that thelselfs.LOL.Who would put up with someone like that?I dont need that crazynees,I have already got enough on my mind as it is.My Mom wants me to get my money back from my Boss,I dont know how to go about that.I am kinda scared to ask Her about my money,I know,its my money and I have a right to ask for it.But,you all know how I am.My Boss,I care about Her,But,She should know,that,I am not working now and I need it.I should call Her,Gary says,if you call the head Boss,you shouldnt worry about calling your Boss in my dapartment.But,I think I will call Her today.Anyways,I want to get a few things done.I want to start working i my scrap book for Moms Mother day presant.I hope you all have a nice day.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.Before I go,down below,there is my first Poll.I really didnt know how to do it.LOL.Also,I just talked to my Boss,She didnt sound to happy,She did ask if I was ever going to come back,maybe She knew something was up.I said yes,but didnt know when.She said,I could come back inm y wheel chair.But dont think that is a good idea.We have one more person out.One got fired and I and another person is out.