Ok,I dot know how I am going to get all of this out.But I feel I reallt need to let it out before I start crying and getting upset,maybe for nothing.maybe I am missunderstood somethings.But from what the los like of it,going around in J-lamd.seems to me,everyone is having a really hard time,seeing people talkig neagtive things,hearing people not doing so well,people getting sick,depressed,not hearing anything good.I dont want to upset anyone,that is not my point to upset anyone.All I am just saying,from what I hear,people are getting a bit tired of hearing sad things going on in J-land.Who isnt?But what can you do?I understand how you all feel,that you all woul like to hear some good things going on in our lives.Maye I am missunderstanding,I hope I am.Because,I dont want to offend anyone,I dont want to loose any of my readers.But I am getting to the point were,ok,I am not having a happy life right now,due to the fact were I am.Are you all going to hate me because I am being so neagtive?

es,I would very much love to put on a happy face,I would love to have something to smile about.I would love to be able laugh.But,right now,its just not happing.I am stuck at home,ok,I have a wheel chair and I can get around.But do you honestly think I want to be stuck at home and not working?Not getting out and being around people?I knpw you all dont want to hear J-land always talking negative things,always being sad,depressed,having illness.But what can we do?Please,dont hate me for thi entry,I thought alot about this entry,aybe what I am saying is worng.But I am a little tired of people saying,ok,I am tired of hearing negative things.Maybe after this entry,I might want to leave,because,I dont want you all to hate me.you know for one,I want to be happy,I dont want to cry myself sleep,worrying about everything.Poping pills just to make the pain go awya.No,I havent done that.Dont that in the past.Yes,I feel bad for myself,I feel ashamed and dont like myself very much.You all can ay,I am a good,caring and loving person.but,deep down,I dont feel like that

There is so much I want to say,but alot of times I feel I cant,not at all worried about my J-landers or my on-line friends reading it,going to come out and bite the dust on the this one,family members,yup.they want to read my Journal,but the cant call me and ask how I am doing.I am better off.You know,I was told i was not ging to ammount to anything,I was told I was going to never get married.I remember someone saying that ome of my friends really had alot going fo Herself,that She changed.I dont forget things.Yes,that hurt.Yes,I hurt people,I made many mistakes,I hurt my bestfriend who i would love to have back in my life,but,wont go there.maybe I shouldnt even say the things I am saying now.But you know what,I dont care anymore.It just got to me tonight,that people here was getting a bit tired of hearing sad things.Well,you know what,I cant help that.I am so sorry in advance,if I hurt anyones feelings.You all must now think I am this horibale person.I could go on and on about my life.How bad I feel right now,becasue,I feel alone,looking happy on the outside,deep inside,not so happy.Things are comming up in my life that I cant handel.Maybe not to bad.But I wish they werent there.Do I hate my body?Yes?I write this Journal to vent,no,I am not going to hurt myself.SO,please,you know who youare,Mom and Dad dont need to hear this.I am just venting,I am just feeling alone,mad tht people think we have nothing good to say in our Journals.And if you would like to get in touch with me,you have my email.Tj has my cell phone.But I am ok.I dont want my parents worrying.I just had to vent and let it all out.Thank you all for listing.I may keep on writting in the near future about things like this.But let me say something,I love you all,you all mean the world to me.Do I want to get out of this house and be with people,have a good laugh?Yes,of course,who doesnt?Have I always felt left out?Yes,and yes,I know you have to.Do I want you back into my life?Yes.it would be very uncomfortable,but yes.We had a history,you and I.I think I will end it there.But please,come to me,talk to me.Mom and Dad have enough on there plates.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.