Hi all,
I hope everyone is having a good evening.Right now,I am feeling good,feeling no pain.I couldnt take it anymore,so,I had to finally call the Dr and told them I am in so much pain.I asked if my Xrays was in,they said no,but when I got there they was in,they came in at 8.I was glad for that.Only thing is,my Dad wasnt with me,I was only going in to get a better pain killer,but,I also was there for the Xrays.Alot is going on right now.Dont know if I want to scram or what.First things first.You all was right,He wants me to go see an Orthopedic,He was really upset with my Arthits dr,I dont need Phisical thereapy,because my knee,with the screw being loose,it wouldnt do anything good.He was upset with my Arthitis Dr thatwhy He didnt give me anything for the pain and I asked Him to and He didnt give me anything.

Right now,I am about to fall alseep.LOL.The Vicodin 500Mg is kicking in.Anyways,what was I talking about?Oh yeah,So I have to make an app with the Orthopdic and He will know if I need to have Surgey or what.I did tell my dr that I knew if I got older that more likly I would have to have knee replacments and He also mentioned that.I am afarid thats what wil happnd.Because,He says the Arthitis is really bad in my knee along with the screw.This hole day was shot.Gary having to go to the Dentist this moring,than me having to go to my Drs today.But,I am glad I went because I couldnt deal with the pain anymore.He also wants me to get another Arthitis Dr.He doesnt think this one knows what Hes doing.But the thing is,there susposed to be the best Arthitis Drs in the world.Do you think the Orthopdic Dr will helo me to find a new Arthitis Dr?Or I wonder how I will go about that?Anyways,another thing that my Regular Dr wants me to do is tohave my heart montor,I have to wear this around my neck for 24 hours.He said He was concerned about my heart and my breathing.Now I am getting stressed.How much all of this is going to cost me from my co pay.Me not working.

Ok,I cant worry about it now,I just have to get this all done.So tell me not to worry about the Dr bills and just worry about me getting my health all worked out.I also had a slight fever,I still have a cold and He gave me some medicines to get that taken care of.So much is going on now.I dont know what to tell my Boss,it looks like I will not be going back to work for a while.I cant,I cant see how I can,with me not walking.So,I am still a little depressed,I miss working,I miss getting out and about.Because,I cant do much of anyhting and its pitaful.But tonight I do need to clean my room up.I hate theeses 4 walls.My bed is a mess.I have been in so much pain,I couldnt really do much of anything,not even putting makeup on to go to the Drs today.I would like to thank you all for standing by me.Always being there for me.I am going to try and lay down for a little bit before I clean my room.I hope you all have a nice evening.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.