Hi all,
I hope you all are having a good day.Mine on the other hand,not to good.I felt terrible when I went to work,of course,not knowing it was that time of month.Let me tell you,its a head ache.I know,to much info.LOL.

Let me tell you,this girl at work,She is nuts,She is crazy and doesnt need to be working in a groicer stoor like that,specillay when She isnt on Her meds.She wanted to know why I havent been talking to Her,she had the nerve to ask that.LOL.Its not funny,it just makes me mad.She suspects me to act like I dont know what went on.

I found out there is going to be a meeting held this Wed,on my and Garys day off.I am worried to know whats going to happend,al because of this girls problems.Shes got problems.everyone sees it.everyone can see that She is Bi Polar.We had nothing to do with this,she put our names in it.Only reason why I was in there was to ask questions of what this girl told me about this guy.I dont talk to Her,I dont say anything to her,I just avoid Her as much as possible.I am actullay afarid that if I go to the restroom,that She may follow me and do something.Maybe thats me bein stupid.

I just dont get it.After everything I have done for Her,taking Her out to places,having Her spend the night,Gary buying us pizza and stuff.Shes not even gratful or thankful for it.she had a nerve to say she works hard and fast than I do?I dont think so.She better look at Herself.Oh yeah,let me just tell you this one last thing.She doesnt have a friend in that stoor because of what She did.One of the layds used to call Her Princess and she doesnt call Her that anymore.She gets mad because of that.I am afarid one day,She is going to go off.She doesnt like me talking to Her friends at work,like the guy outside,He talked to me all the time.everyone says She is jealous of what I have.My Boss will be back tommrow,She knows nothing of what went on.I am afarid that if this girl,Tiffany gets a hold of Her,she will tell her side of the story.But,I am going to talk to Her to.Anyways,I am tired and I am going to lay down and take a nap.Thank you all for the encourging words in my comment section.Be safe and kool out there.Peaceout.