Ok,I am just sitting here,thinking of what to say,boy,I could say alot of things,but,dont know were to begin.I always say that,dont I?I will tell you one thing,I am stressed,stressed out about alot of things in my life.Here I am at the age of almost turning 35 and I have no clue what my life is going to turn out to be.I have to be honest for the first time in my life,I am scared of whats going to happend.Alot of times I feel alone and dont know how to not be alone.

Let me tell you,I want things to change for the good in my life.were do you go from there?How do you start fresh?How do you make the world around you a better place to live?stop living in the past,letting the past go?My heart hurts and to be honest with you,I wish I wasnt taking any pills for depression,but,I need it,I need them to make my life seem somewhat ok.But when it all comes down to it,my life isnt ok.Yeah,I have a good family,maybe 2 good friends and a wonderful boyfriend who is always there for me.I dont want to be alone.I want to stand up for myself and I dont know how to do that.I want better things for my life.

I dont even know what I am talking about anymore.What is councling helping?What is my meds helping?what is worng with me?Ok,so maybe I am just talking,no,maybe I am just telling how it is with my life.Let me ask you all a question?Is anyone ever happy?Happy with there life?When is it you have to stop worrying about from one thing to another?

Let me tell you this,in the back of your mind,your thinking of all the things that people have told you that you wont ammount to anything in your life,that this is it,this is your life.Your not going to get married,not going to have kids,your going to be living at home with your family for the rest of your life.HOW O YOU PROVE THEM WORNG?I FEEL LIKE SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!!!!!!!!!!Ok,I know you guys are thinking,what is Her problem,has She gone nuts?Maybe I have,but,I think this was a long time comming and will be a contiuning entry of my life.lol.

For the first time in my life,I relized so many things I want out of my life and it scares me the most more than anything in the world.Growing up and doing things on yor own.Stop feeling like your to blame for everything that happend in the past.Stop thinking that you wont amount to nothing.I feel that,I think that and I dont want to feel that or think of that.I want to stand up for myself.with all of whats going on in todays world,scares me,that scares me,life scares me.Thinking I cant make it out on my own,scares me.I am sure some people think I am a bad person,that I have no good in me,I am useless.They dont know me,they dont know the kind of person I can be.I have a giving heart,yet,I make mistakes,plenty of them.probllay will make more.I try hard to pleasing some people and maybe wanting some people back in my life,some people maybe not.I have got so many problems that I have to work out and have no clue how to fix them.How to make my life happy,my heart happy.well,I have gone on long enough with this story of mine,but,I am not done,but,done for now,will come back later.Thanks for listening.Be safe and kool.Peaceout,till now.