Wednesday, February 28, 2007



 Hi everyone,

                    Its been a long day for me,for my boyfriend as well,who waited for me for 4 hours while i was in the Doctors.I couldnt wait till tommrow,so,I went in today.I have a touch of carpeltunnel,not,to to bad,but bad enough that I was in pain.Get this,I have to wear from now on,2 splints on my both arms and I am taking steriods again,will be on them for a while now,since I have 2 refils.I kinda got  a lecture aboout not being on my shots and He knows I am having problems paying for them,but,I will have to get them even if I have to have my dad pay for themm with His creit card.I want to be able to pay Him back,but its hard.So,I am going to sit down and figure this paper ou so it will help me to get the cost down a little lower.I have to payy 300 but its good for a months worth of shots.I am probllay going to have to stay off the puter some.I dont know if I can close at night with all the work I have to do.I wil have to talk to my boss tommrow.I couldnt go in tommrow.I want to try and rest up.Thank you all for being so kind enough to worry about me.You all know I worry about you all and I care.But let me tell you this,my app was at 11,I didnt get out till 2:30,got back to the room and still waited for thr Doc to come in,30,40 oddd munites had no lunch or had anything to eat and I was wanted a soda so know,they are not good for you.I am addicted.I can now feel some relife from the steriods.Doc told me to take 2 this evening and 1 every moring.So,I am feeling pretty good right about now.But,I am going to jump off the you tell I am a little high?lol.No,I am noot.I am just relief.The splints,what they call it,helps so much,I can feel a diffrence when i take them off,when I took a shower.Anyways,this has been long enough and I want to go and lay down.Tazziegirl,I miss you and was happy to hear from you.Dont be a stranger!!!I forgot your ceell number,email it to me when you get a chance.We been online buddies forever.everyone say Hi to,i am being silly now.So,I will go.Hey,taz,what did you mean by jazzy stuff?lol.I didnt get hope you all have a good night.Oh yeah,about the girl spending the night,all is ok.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.


The pain is unbareable.Been up half the night.


Welll,Good moring all,

                 Here I am,up,I feel I been up half the night,no wait,I dont feel like I have been up,I have been up half the night,in pain,maybe even in  savere pain with mainly my right hand.It hurts so bad.I dont even know what to do.I can move it,but,not a whole loot,it hurts to type.The ambeine didnt even help me sleep,I think it made even more awake.I am going to have to talk to my Dad to see if I will have to make an app to see my Doctor,only thing on Weds,He leaves early.I may have to call out of work tommrow and tell them II have to go to the Doctors.I cant go on with this pain anymore,because,I am hurting so bad,I am crying.The thing is,I know I havent had my shots,due to being so costly and I havent been working enough hours.But that is not all.I remember my Doctor saying,I may have a touch of Tendenitist,I may have spelled that worng.More likly,I am going to call out of work tomrow.I know I close,but,I cant live in this pain anymore.Belive it or not,my kness,been doing really good.Knock on wood,you know the saying.I couldnt even relax my hand.I am now trying to type with one hand.I am going to call my Doctor first thing at 8 this moring.My hand is resting now,its elavating.Laying on top of some blankets.Now if I have Tendenitis,my Doc said I would maybe have to have surgey and therpy,mabey I can deal with just the therpey.I just took 2 amatriplyn,kinda helping some.iam not trying to get out of work.But it hurts to type or even move it.I am off today.So,maybe if He the Doc needs to see me this moring,I will probllay have to go,knowing boyfriend wanst to gi to the movies.My hand is more important.I feel right now what I do need is a check up and than a few good  days of rest,with maybe less will probllay tell me to sta off the puter as much as I,I am on it most of the time when Dad isnt home,when He is home I get it at night,my funny thoe.he said this moring,He wanted it first this in the know all I been talking about it my hand,but,I feel I need to talk about it because I had have no lack of sleep and I am tired.You want to know how my hand is feeling,its like a sharp needle pain going through my hand,it is also,I cant explain it right,shingles?Tingles.My fingers would clam up.I cant open anything,less pick anything up.Its not even 7 yet and I am still up.I will tell yyou one hting like I said last night,they call me into work this moring,I am not going.Does anyone know of anything I can do for the pain?I tryed putting Vasline and rubbing my hand.I have Sat off again and I asked for Sun maybe the Doc will tell me to take the trst of the week off.We will see.They open up at 8.This is my Arthitis Doc,let me tell you something about theeses doctors.They are one of the best arthitis Doctor,susposly in the whole country,they are all around.I have a good Doc.I been with Him for now maybe almost 7 years.So He knows my treatment.Arthitis in both kness,I have what you call Rhuematoid Arthitis,I have Porises,which doesnt help the Arthitis.I feel like it is taking over my body.My Doctors name is,if I can spell it,Doctor know laugh,sounds like your saying,I am going to try and go back to sleep for a while till 8.see what my Doc wants me to do,come in today or tommrow,than I will call out of work.I know Mom doesnt like me missing work,but,She also knows I been in so much pain.and I have to stop typing now,because,I am hurting.Thank you all for listning to me venting on.I never actullay talked about me being in pain like this before.So I thhank you from the bottom of my heart,right down to my you tell I am ired?I hope you all have a nice day.Be safe and warm out there.were susposed to get another snow comming in this weekend,what fun.I dont want no more.I didnt even think we would get any,but we did.Peaceout.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

what day is it?Oh,Tuesday evening.


Ok,I know I should say,Good evening everyone and how has your evening gone?Hopfully better than mine.I couldnt even tell you were to begin.I cant even get relaxed,,if I even try to shut everything off,dont know if I could sleep.My hands,both of my hands,hurt,like you know what.I am in pain,literly.No,I am not paranoid,I just had to say that,sorry.After a day I had,dont want to deal with this again and tell you one thing,She isnt going to spending the night over here in a very,very,very long time.I just took 3 ambien,maybe that will help.If you remember,I had a grilfriend spend the night with me last night,She works with me,oh my,I dont even want to know what is going to be said tommrow.Today is what?Right,Tuesday,well,Monday,I told Tiffany,to call Her Mom and let Her know who She was with.She did,but,She didnt talk to Her Mom,She left a message on the phone.Well,that was ok,till today,let me tell you something about tiffany,She has problems,Shes a good girl,She has a good heart,I think,sometimes.I am sorry,I had such a bad night,I didnt want to deal with anyone.I come into work at 4,She been here with me,me cleaning,She just sitting,waiting around to find a ride home.Her MOm told Tiffany to take the buss,which,She should of,She had a buss pass,but for some reason She didnt want to.She called Her Mom asked Her if She could pick Here up and She told Tiff,She was busy and I guess,She would try and come and get Her later.Here it is almost 2 hours from 8,Tiff is still at the storr,being upset,she telling me Her Mom wont pick Her up.Theres 2 sides to every story.What tiff told me was worng,now,I am getting the picture of what She tells me.She wants me to belive everything She says that comes out of Her mouth,saying that Her Mom doesnt care.I hope you all are getting this.I am trying to clean,get everything done,havent had the time to even sit down and relaxed,because,Shes over here being upset,because of Her Mom.I try so much to help Her out,get Her out of the house,spend time with some friends.I maybe not saying this the way I want to say it.But,I hope you all are following me.I told Her to call my friend,maybe She can staywith HEr,thats a no,buy the way,I am  mad at my friend,because,She was susposed to call me and never did.what friends are for.I dont know.The bakery phone kept ringing off the hook,once it was my boyfriend,I just let it all out,I just bawld,I just started crying and I was like,I dont know what to do,She is still here.She thinks Her Mom wont let Her come home.and you know what,Her Mom and everyone was looking for Her.She didnt want to go home.She wasnt about to come back to my place.I love Her,Shes a good person,but,She needs help.If its not one thing,its another.Its sad to say this,but She lies.I talked to Her Mom on the phone,She was nice,worried,upset,I just kept on saying I was sorry and She said it wasnt my falt.Ok,you know what guys,I am just going to have to finish this tommrow.maybe not.I really dont know what else to say.This girl had got everyone so upset.Than Tiffany calls me and tells me that Her and my friend Jenny said that She never mentioned about spending the night,all because of this.Outragous.I like to hear what is going on tommrow.I best not get a phone early in the dang moring,because,I will be like,its my day off,I am not comming.Either that or they want to know the real story.Because,Tiffany,will be talking,will be crying.Now I know,I know the real Tiffany.Dont get me worng,Shes a sweetheart when She can be,Shes a good girl.My Mom made one point out,you neve leave just a message saying your going to spend the night at a friends house.Mom,knows,I would never do that.Anyways,I am out of here.Sorry guys,if you dont get the whole story.Be safe and warm.Oh yeah and we could be getting more snow.wooooopie.NOT!!!!Peaceout.DID I MENTIONED I AM IN PAIN?


Its a bettter day.


Good moring all,

                 Hope you all had a good one.Boy did I sleep better.I slept all night and this moring.I feel better to.I even had a friend spend the night with me last night.She didnt mind me sleeping and I asked if I wwas boring.She said,She was just glad She got out of the house.Can you belive I have sat off again?How kool is that?But it really doesnt matter to me,if I work or not.I work tonight from 4 to 8.So when I go into work,my friend will goo home from there.She doesnt live to far from work.She doesnt get out much,so,it was nice to have Her over.I must of been so tired yesterday,because when I was talking to someone at work before I went to my dapartment,I started guess when you get so tired,you start to cry.But,I feel better now,rested.Thank you all for caring so much about me and your words.I better get off of here and get a few things done.I hope you all have a nice day.Be Safe and warm out there.Peaceout.One more thing,even thoe my hand is not better,I am feeling better.


Monday, February 26, 2007

his is not a good Monday!!!


Good moring all,

             Well,I hope you all had a good night better than I did.I got no sleep,I am in a mood,not a good mood.Feel like going back to bed,staying in bed,but,I cant.I am glad I got the hours,but,come on now,this is getting on my nerves.They call me at 7:30,want to know if I can come in,I was like I dont if I can even get out of the drive way,of course She was like its not bad out there so I said yeah,I will be there.I was half alseep,mumbling ,She couldnt understand me.Well,go figure,for someone who couldnt sleep,went to sleep later than 2 because of my hand was bothering me to much and still is.I feel like its a needle point going through my hand.They messed up everyones hours,there was a gap ,meaning,no one would be there till someone came in at 4.Why me?I am cranky,tired and not in the mood.I cant go back to sleep now,because,I need to do a few things around here.This really stinks.I am about to tell my Boss She better get hours stright,but,I am not going to tell Her.She said She doesnt write the hours,but,all dapartment managers write there own hours.She made a boo boo,now I have to pay for it.Yes,I am glad for the hours.Dont get me worng.But you cought me on a bad day of no sleep.I took to many pills last night,well,I took my normal regular night pills to help me sleep,than,I took 2 of my Arthitis pills.Now they are kicking in.I feel all doped up.My mouth is dry.this is not a good Mom is getting on my nerves.Sorry,just venting.But,maybe things will get better,things will look up.I was even thinking of having one of my co workers spend the night with me go to work tommrow when I have to be there at 4 to 8.If She doesnt work,She can just walk home from work,She doesnt live far.But we will see how the day,my Mom is bugging me,so,I better get off of here and get going.Have a nice day all.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cant sleep and I am hurting.


well,I am up and what time is it,past time for me to sleep.I cat beive its almost 2:00 in the moring.My hand kept me up.Its hurting so bad I cant stand it.Its like a sharp pain/shock wave going stright through my hand.I just took 2 Mobic to help it.I am goping it helps.But I took all my other night time medicine,so,I hope I will be ok.I just cant sleep.My Mom says Her hand is hurting to,the same one as mine and She told me to feel my hand and I did,She said feel this and I said I dont have to feel it,I can see it.I am so tired.I cant keep my eyes open.I just keep tossing and turning.and I switched around to sleeping at the top of my bed,instead of at the end.I will probllay more likly sleep better tommrow moring.Anyways,I am going to try and get some sleep.I put some Vasline on it to help.Love you guys.Have a good night.Peaceout.One more thing,when I try to bend my hand front words,it is so sore,like its going to break.Call me paranoid,but,it feels so funny and werid.I may have to call the Doc again.I havent had my shots in a while,that could be anoher reason.I dont know.Peaceout.I feel like wanting to go to the Er,but,its not that bad yet.Is it just me,do you all think I am paranoid?I just dont want anyone thinking I am making up theeses pains for nothing.Sorry if I am sounding down,but,I am and I am tired and I cant sleep,probllay why I am rambling and I didnt even have a nap today.Peaceout.


Be careful out there!Please be safe!


Good evening all,

                     Hope you all having a good one.i am doing ok was good.It started snowing on the way to work,I got there ok.But on the way home was tricky,but,got home sasfe.Its a little slushy out there now,messy.My Sister picked my Mom up for church,I am glad She went,She likes to go.I know I should go myself.But,we will talk about that another time.I have nothing worng with church and I do go from time to time.I do belive in God.I will admit sometimes I doubt,but,I do belive in God.I think sometimes I doubt Him because I dont know were my life is going.Is this what it is?Is my life were its susposed to be at?I am always wondering,thinking,about that.thinkg of what I can do,what should I do.I dont know.Maybe this is it.I have something else on my mind,probllay not to important,but,I want to talk about change,ok,maybe this entry is about maybe stupid,but,I try changing things around in my room,like I would change my bed around,than,its back to were it was,than,I have been sleeping at the top of my bed for so long,than moved at the end of the bed,than,today,I try sleeping at the top again,and I am going to move at the end of my bed again.Is there something worng with me?I just wanted to know.well,I am going to get a few things doneBe safe and warm out there.Peaceout.


Sunday Happenings.


Good moring all,

              Hope you all are having a good one.I just got done reading and doing my alerts.Now,I am making an entry before I head off to work.You all who are having the bad nasty weather,becareful out there.Were susposed to get it tonight.I am so ready for spring now and summer.I am tired of the cold.I feel better today than I did yeserday.I guess yesterday was a good day to sleep in and just chill and I was know,to much info.I have to get off of here and get ready for work.I can get ready for work in 5 munites tops,even with putting make up on.I dont put alot on.I wish I can wear my ring,maybe I can wear it today.I could because my fingers was still swolen.Anyways,I will write more later.I amm off.I hope you all have a nice day.Be sae and warm out there.Peaceout.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good thing I didnt go out after all.


Its me again,

                  I am not going out at all today,I feel like just crawling intm my bed and not comming out.Its good thing I didnt go to work today.I even called Gary and told Him I wasnt feeling that I wasnt going to go out.He will miss me,but,He told me,that I probllay just didnt want to wach the game with always watch the game with hIm,bit,today,I am just not in the mood to go out.I am feeling so tired.I told Him to check what my hours are this week.I didnt want to call up there and,I think I will make me something to eat and go back lay down.Thank you all for your kind words.You all are a blessing to me.Have a wonderful weekend.Peaceout.


Just plain mad!!!


I feel like this right now,not the smiling part,but the attiude is pretty thoe.

Good moring all,

                Hope you all having a good one.I am doing alright here,till the dang phone rung at 7:30,woke me up,I was like who is calling now and low and behold,it was work,wanting me to come int at 2 to 7.I asked did someone call out and She just do you want to come in or not?I said no,I dont feel good.I dont feel good.I am just mad,because,they want to have me come in and close all the time.I am getting tired of it.Now I will feel guilty because I didnt go in.I really dont feel good,.I started you know what.I rather just stay home and not going anywere.Now what gets me is,mo Boss wont call,She always gets someone else to do it for Her.That is so lame.The one who called and asked me if I wanted to come,had a little attiude,all because I wanted to know if someone called out.She didnt tell me,She just said,do you want to come in or not.Maybe no one called out and She just needed the help.But yesterday,the Boss was like,She didnt have any hours to spare.and they said they was alright.Now,I am going to feel guilty for the rest of the day.Just because I said no,I dont want to go in.Plus,I am not feeling good.I also had plans to go out with my boyfriend today after He got off at 2.hey always want to mess me up,mess my day up,my plans and making me feel guilty because I said no.I know I wasnt going to call my boyfriend in right after She called,because,I knew the Boss would probllay pick the phone up.They cant hurt my hourrs,no more than its already been hurt.Now,I am just fet up,will be thinking about this all day.Why do they do this to me?Wanting me to close!!!!!!!!!!!I am tired of it.Now I am just plain mad.Do you think they will hurt my hours?I dont know why She just didnt tell me if someone called out.Ok,someone tell me not to worry about it and everythingwill be alright.I am just ticked.Thanks guys for listning to me vent,yet again.I know I want the hours.But its not fair that I have to come in and work 2 to 7.Dont get me worng,I am greatful that I have a job,I am.Butm,it just makes me mad because,I asked them yesterday if they wanted me to come in and they said no.They need to get a am going to try and not worry about it.I think I am going to goo back to bed.I hope you all have a nice day/weekend better than I am having one right now.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Sorry guys,I just needed to do some


        Good Moring,

        Hope you all had a good night sleep.I could of slept better,but,I didnt.I had a hard time going to sleep last night,maybe it was because,it was so windy outside,the tree limbs sounded like they were going to come through the I am up staris.That wind was really something last night.I even a few times,felt my bed shaking.that kinda scared me.Was thinking it could of been an earthquake,but we dont get them here in Maryland.How ever,some people say they have felt them here,so,who knows.Maybe I wil sleep better tonight.I have to go to work today from 1 to 5 and I am not taying longer.I really dont want to see my boss.I mean,dont get me worng,I like Her,but,She gets on my nerves.It still upseted me for the fact that they messed up the hours and acted like it was my falt.Becase my Boss was like,dont you always work latee on Thursdays?I said yes,but,I should of said,well,I wasnt the one who made the mistake.But I didnt and kept my mouth shut.Than we just said by.I will go into work,I will be nice,like I always am,say hi to everyone and just do my thing.I am in no mood to talk to anyone today.Maybe its know,to much info.But,really,She just made me mad,when She said that.I was like,well,you put me down for 10 to 2 and relized you looked at the hours and you had no one closing,who comes to the rescue,Me.I know I always work late on thursdays,but,she made the mistake.You think She could of been nice about it.First thing,She didnt even call me and tell me,She had someone else call to tell me when I was susposed to be working.I saw one of my coworkers leaving as I was walking in yesterday for work.She knew I wasnt happy and I didnt look happy either.Sorry,if I just keep on venting.But it just makes me mad.Woek was fine yesterday,I dont mind working thoes hours.But they really need to watch more careful on what they are doing.Thats it,I am done with guys.I didnt ask to have Sunday off,I will just wait till maybe next weekend.Anyways,I have a few things I need to do before I head off to work in a little while.I really do need to get into my room and clean it,it is starting to get a little messy,not bad,but,it needs some cleaning.I might do that tonight and tommrow,hoping I am still off of work.One more thing,She was susposed to chage my hours for tommrow,but,She never did,so,I am off for now hope you all have a nice safe and warm out there.Peaceout.thank you all for your comments.They really do mean alot to me.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

I will add more to it later.


Thats my oldest Brother and family who are in London for now,Falisity,wasnt born yet.


Emily,with baby Felisity.


My 2 oldest brother Jeff and His family.Shannon is the oldest in there family,Maddison,Jrffrey and Alexander.


My Sister Christian and Her family,Kyle is the oldest,and the oldest Grandson of the whole gang.Than it is Sean and Katie.

Sorry,dont have a pic of Allen and His family,I have a whole bunch,so,I will find one and add it in here.


Thats Me,you can take a guess who that ny neice Katie and Kyle.


Thats Dadys little girl,was Emily,but now its Falisity,I know,I spelled it worng.But,Emily will always be Dadys little girl to.


Can you belive,it was just the 4 of theese little creatures,than came a whole sheep I love em.

Well,I will add more,I am tired and I need to get some sleep,this is the latest I stayed up.Its almost because I slept most of the day,I wasnt that tired,but,I am getting tired.And the wind is a woraing outside big time.Have a nice night all.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.  thfile006-1.jpg





Facts about me andmy family.


Good night all,

                Hope you all is having a good one.I am doing good here.Work was ok,went by fast.I like it when it goes,I can get everything done in 4 hours.So,thats good.I was thinking maybe I should share some info about me and my family.You all probllay think I dont have any family,well thats not true,because,you all see pics of my family.well,I a 34 year old female,who will turn 35 in May,I am the youngest of 2 brothers,I always say I have 3 brothers,and I do,the 3 brother is really my Couisn,Allen,we have raise Him sience He was a baby.He had such a hard time growing up,maybe I will get into that later.I will say this thoe,He hated my Mom for the longest time,but now,He calls my Mom His Mom,He loves my Mom and He has 2 little girls and finally have a little boy,they are my Neices and Nephew,Allen,knows my Mom is there Grandma.Allen doesnt ever hear from His real Mom,He has a brother and a sister living in Texas.Now,onto the next one.My oldest brother,Hes the one in London,who will be comming home sometime late March,which is right around the corner.I cant wait.They have,3 boys,2 girls,which my neice in London finally got a sister.They are happy and my sister n law in London,She still wants more has always wanted a big family,my brother on the other hand,would love to have more kids,but from what I hear,London and I know,isnt cheap raising kids.Thats were they wanted to be Missonarys there.They have and still have some troubles with His church.I hope He will contiue to go back to London and do what God wants Him to do.they will be here for a year and a half,raising up enough money to go back.Now onto my 3 brother.His name is Jeff,He is married also and they have 2 girls and 2 boys.Now you can say I have a big family.I love my family.We dont get to see much of Jeff,and the family,would be nice to see them more.Jeffs wife,I knew in Highschool,She was my bestfriend,thats another story for another but not least,or how ever you say have a sister,Her name is Christina,She is married and they have 2 boys and 2 girl,who never sits come over alot,they help us out alot,we go to dinner with them or they come over here and have dinner.we always watch my sisters kids every Sat,while my sis goes visiting for Her Sunday school class.Which She gets alot of kids in Her,I mean,sometimes its like over 100 kids.My Mom helps out buying stuff for my sis,like sodas or cookies or stuff for there bdays.Last,is moonovermickeyminny.jpgI still live at home with my parents,it is just Me,my Mom and Dad.Its quiet,but its nice.we have a huge house,its a 2 story house,but,looks like a 3 story house.Maybe I will take some pics later.Theres 4 bedrooms upstaris,theres 2 rooms downstairs.Big huge kitchen,were the living room is and the tv that Dad usllay watches.Mom is usllay in Her room,Mom and Dads room.we have cabel in all 3 rooms,which is pretty kewl.I like it.I have cabel in my room,Mom and Dads room and the living room.I love to watch the Dizney chanel,the travel chanel.Mom loves watching the cokking show.Dad likes to watch some show called Cramer,dont know what that is all about.Dad is a Construction Worker,He owns His own company.People work for house use to be a farm,with a big fence around it,long time ago,we dont have it now.we had a horse,which I think I have mentioned before,we had have sevral dogs,sevral cats,about 100 of them,chickens and <A id=zoomedLink title="Click to zoom out." href="javascript:void(0);" _extended="true">rabits.So,it was a big farm,but not anymore.Even thoe we still have the barn house were the horse used to stay,but,I wouldnt go down full of snakes and other thats me.I have 3 brother,2 sis,1 brother n law,3 sister n lawsall together 14 neices and,I think that about sums it up.Thanks for lesting to me going at think I msut of probllay talked your heads,I am going to go to bed.I am getting tired,my hands are getting tired of typing.Its werid,my hands will get worse at night.When I get home from work.I hope you all will have a nice night,nice weekend ahead.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout.One more thing,thank you for your encourging comments,they mean alot to me.I love you all.




Its me again,seems like this day isnt going so well for me.I hope it brightes up like the sun is trying to come out.When I was talking to my Boss on the phone,She kinda had an attiude with me,but it wasnt my falt that I made the mistake of my hours for today.I found out from my boyfriend,that,when He looks at my hours in the office up front,it said that no one was working tonight,that means,they had no one closing tonight,the Boss made a boo boo and She got a little tif with me,I dont think so.She did that all on Her own.Now,I am just trying to make my mind up rather if I want to work Sun or not.All the managers have eventory this Sun,that means all the managers from every dapartment,so,I may have to work,who knows.we shall see.Anyways,I am going to go lay back down for a while.I should clean up my room,do some laundry,I need to.But,I am tired and stressed out.I know its not a biggie,but,come on now,She didnt have to get tiffy with me.It was Her mistake and She got someone else to call for Her.Oh well,I hope my day gets better.I have to work with my Boss tommrow and not looking forward to it.Sorry about venting.Thanks for listning to me vent and leaving nice comments.Have a nice day all.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout till now.


I am not happy camper right now.


Good moring all,

hope you all had a good night sleep.I slept ok till I woke up and the phone rung about 8.I was not a happy camper when it was work.The graffics tha you see,is just how I feel right now.Work was just letting me know,they messed up my hours.I am mad.I was going in at 10 to 2,now,I am going in at 4 to 8.would of been nice to work early for a change.When I talked to my boss on the phone,I said,it said 10 to 2,not 4 to 8 and She was like,dont you always work from 4 to 8?I said yeah,but than I should of said,well,you should watch your mistakes.But I didnt say it.She had one of Her coworkers call and tell me and not my Boss.That makes me so mad.I am susposed to be of on Sat,if I still am,I am thinking of taking Sun off.I will leave Her a note tonight letting Her know.But,I cant make my mind up,if I want to do that or not.Gary tells me to wait and wait for next week to do it.But I feel like taking this weekend off.I need a break away.Ok,well,I had last weekend off I didnt even ask for it,they just made me mad and they  know I was upset.I see my Boss tommrow,I work with Her,I dont see Her all week till Fri and Sats.She will know,I wont be a happy camper.My hours said,10 to 2,not 4 to 8.How can they mess that up,unless someone called out and they didnt tell me someone called out,but,I doubt that.They need to get it strightend out.Now,my boss wasnt happy when She got on the phone to talk to me.Well,serves Her right.For making a mistake like that.I know,mistakes happend.But I had plans and now they are screwed up.Oh well.she better get it together next time.dont mind me,I am just mad,because,I could of slept in,if that was the case,now I am up,but going back to bed for a while.I will be thinking about taing off on Sun till I go into know Mom would want me to work.but,I feel I just want to take the weekend off know I wont have sat off next,I can laugh,but,I am still not happy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just added some pics.


Gary at 3 brothers



Thats me sitting nest to Gary at 3 brothers.


Thats my Sister,the one who is going to Hawii,thoes are my neice and nephews who we will be watching.



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Why am I up sso early?lol.


Good moring all,

                    Hope you all had a good night sleep.I know I did for a change.I was hurting,so,I took my 3 Amatriplyn,I am aloud to take a night and I took a Clonazepam along with it.I fell right to sleep,woke up  this mring.I dont even remember going to the hands are still sore.If it doesnt get any better,I will have to call my Doctor.I was telling my Dad I was going to make an app with my regular Doctor and not my Arthitis Doc,but,He says,I should see my Arthitis Doc.I was so mad yesterday,I couldnt wear my ring because my finger was swolen.They are all still swolen.I had a dream that I woke up in the middle of the night and that both of my hands got so swolen and big,that I had to go to the Er.But that was just a dream.They seem to do somewhat ok during the day,at night is more worse.But this moring,they do hurt and I cant open things.Like last night when I was working,my co worker came in and He was helping out somewere else in the stoor and I said before He left could He open the jar of Hot Pepers for the Cheese Sticks,because,I knew I wasnt able to open it.He thinks He is so smart.He did open it for me.I got to say,He is a cute little thing.Ok,Hes not little,but,He is still a baby.He just grauated from Highschool,He didnt even go to His prom.I think everyone should go to there prom,it something that you dont want to miss.Hes got that baby face about Him,with the cutest smile.Shhhh,dont tell my boyfriend.He is always smiling at me.Someone told me He liked me.But He way to worry,I love my man and wouldnt give my man up for anything.I was talking to another co worker who works in the meat dapartmment and He asked me when I was going to move in with my boyfriend.He thinks its a bad area to live.He said that Gary hears gun shots every now and than,I think He was lying so,I will ask my boyfriend today.But,if Mom has it Her and She will,I will be married before I move in with Him.Now I know its not such a good place to live,but,I know He will always be there for me.My Brother N law,said if we ever got married,He wouldnt want me living there.But were Gary lives,is quiet,its just when He leaves His home,is not a good place down the road.Anyways,what am I doing up so early.I must have gotton so used to getting up early.I am going to go back to bed for a while and sleep.I hope you all have a nice day.Stay warm and safe.Peaceout.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nite Nite,I am going to bed.


Good evening all,

            I think this is going to be a short one.I think.I have a headache,my hands are swolen,fingertips are purple.I am going to have to call my Doctor in the moring.It could be a set back due to me not having my shots.I couldnt even wear my boyfriends Valtine Ring from last year,because my fingers were swolen.I dont know whats going on.Oh by the way,the heat is back on again.I am so glad.Mom isnt doing good and the heat being off wasnt helping.Shes going to see Her Doctor on Thursday.Ok,I am going now.My head hurts so bad and my eyes.Have a nice night all.You all are a blesing to me,always leaving me encourgment comments.Thank you!!!Be safe and warm.Peaceout


Its to cold.


I know its me just hate waiting around for time to come for me to go to work.Ack.Time goes so slow,than once I get into work,it goes fast.I havent been doing much lately.Mom isnt feeling good and we have no heat what so ever.The heater pump is broken.So I have my plug in heater going on.Helps some.I got sweats,sweatshirt,shirt underneath it and I am wearing my warmy,just thought I would make em entry before going to work.I am off tommrow,I hope.I like being off on Weds,because,it is I and Garys day off together.I think I am going to buy me some cearel and milk for tommrow.Anyways.Have fun everyone.Be safe and warm.Peaceout.


everything is working,I am beside


I am beside myself,I have everything working now and hope it will stay that way.I hokked my own printer up to,all by myself,without no I can print all of my graffics out now and use them and I can print out my pics of the kids in London.They will be comming home sometime late March,not sure when.Cant wait to see them.Have a nice day all.I am in a good wanted t o always say thank you for all the nice comments you sent my way,they always brighten my day.You all are wonderful angels.Thank uoi.


It is only


Good moring all,

              Dont ask me what I am doing up so early.I know onw thing,I am going back to bed.I have a head ache and I dont feel to good.Good thing,I dont go into work till 4 today.I work from 4 to 8.I havent been sleeping good like I used to.Wonder if I am getting used to sleeping pills.Maybe I might have to go back to the doctos.I dont know.I just know,I dont feel good.I stayed up till after 10 working on my printer.I hope I will get it working today.I think I probllay missplaced the plugs in the worng place.My neck an my back hurts.Everytime I came back from the bathroom and got into bed,my elbows was hurting so bad I could hardly lay down.Maybe today will be a better day.Sorry if I bored you guys so much from so many entryes dont even know how many entrys I guess I am happy I got my graffics to working and I just love adding them to m,I am going back to bed,I usllay say,I have a few things to do,but,this time,I am going back to sleep.Its only 7:39.What am I doing up that early?lol.I guess I am still used to it,when I would work my early hours shift.Have a nice day all.Be safe and warm out there.Peaceout till now.
