Thursday, November 30, 2006
My body aches all over.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I am going into lala
Work,Work,work,is that all you ever talk about?lol.
Its always one more
One last thing before heading off to work in a while.I am still doing Christmas cards.I did a whole bunch this moring and if anyone would still like one.Let me know.I have a question for all that have my addy.What is your favorite color?I was looking at a journal this moring,cant remember which one.But had a list of all the Soliders address and I wanted to share it and put it in here.I think they could use so much love and attention.I might not be able to give a care package,but,I love to write and I could problay give something small.But,I am going to post here.So you can all maybe add it into your journal.Thank you and have a great day.
Below is a list of Soldiers who are Looking for Letters, Packages, ANYTHING
or Specific items as some of these men & women
are getting NOTHING from Home..
If you can Help, Please Do,
List from Mike Ruffner GySgt USMC Retired
Have an extra Christmas Card, Cookies or Holiday Specials to share with the warriors protecting our way of life? Pick a name, pass it on, let them know we support them! Get them to the schools and churches also!
LCpl Brad Seegert (WIA Iraq)
C 1st Bn, 2nd Marines
2d MarDiv FMF
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542
Cpl. Zak Klingberg
Fox 2/5, WPNX Plt.
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055
LCPL Vincent Schuld
Kaneohe Bay, HI 96863
LCPL Jason Leber
157-A Lakewood Dr.
Jacksonville, NC 28546
AMN Nicole Leber - sister of above in Air Force
PSC 54 Box 95
APO AE 09601
LCPL Jonathan Ake
3/8 Weapons Company
81's Plt.
Camp LeJeune, NC 28542
LCPL N. L. Whittington
3/4 Kilo, Wpns Plt.
PO Box 788265
29 Palms, CA 92278-8265
LCPL Matthew M. McDonough
HQ CO 2nd Regt. MT
PSC Box 20093
Camp LeJeune, NC 28542
PFC M.E. Ludington - female
Loc. #314
Box 788253
29 Palms, CA 92278-8253
Sgt. Jeremy Sullivan
Unit 37181
FPO AP 96603-7181
Other Services:
PFC Cancel, Jose
4th Plt Killer Troop 3/2 ACR
Unit 92384
NOTE: he has no one but his family writing to him
PVT Guskov, Yuriy
CCO 3/327 INF REG,
Unit # 96030
NOTE: this young man has no one but his girlfriend writing to him
SGT Romanishan, John
(Medic) Eagle Troop,
2/3 ACR Unit # 91464
NOTE: John is a medic...was unable to save his fellow soldier and has been really down about it
SGT Steve Asche
604 E Clark Apt 2
Champaign, IL
NOTE: this soldier was sent home with 2nd degree burns on his hands...wants nothing more than to return to his receivingphysical therapy now
SPC Wenzel, Timothy
333rd MP CO
NOTE: Timothy is a medic...was feeling exhausted and buddy told him to stay at base and buddy would go on call...buddy was in ambulance that was ambushed and driver was killed..Timothy feels guilty and says "it should have been me"
SPC Buckingham, Karl
413th QM BN/1011th QM Co.
7th CSG Unit 91700
NOTE: soldier is receiving NO mail and NO packages
SPC Burnworth, Jason A
Task Force Associator Team
Cougar Camp Monteith,
NOTE: receiving mail only from his mother
SPC Connely, Justin
NOTE: soldier is receiving NO mail No packages
SPC DiIoli, Denise M.
E/704th DSB 92662
NOTE: soldier is really down...just found out that they won't be home till next April or May, been there since Feb. last name is spelled cap D i, cap i, oli.
SPC Houk, Aaron
413th QM BN/1011th QM CO.
7th CSG Unit #91700
NOTE: mother disabled, father deceased, receiving NO mail
SPC Kyle Smith
HSC 244th EN BN,
555 ENG GRP,
NOTE: receiving NO mail
SPC McBean, Kenneth H. II
B-1-187 IN / Unit # 96073 /
NOTE: friends and family have stopped writing to him
NOTE: having a very difficult time..only one of three females in unit...they are not being treated very well by the males, especially the officers
SPC Zunich, Michael
HHB 1-17FA Unit # 92627
NOTE: survived a bomb attack on convoy...very depressed
Smith, Meredith
2761 West Ivory Way Taylorsville, UT
NOTE: this is a widow...her husband was killed inAfghanistan in Feb..she and 8 year old daughter are having a very rough time (not sure if you wanted her name, if not, just delete)
Sgt. Pierce, Bill
4th Platoon ADA
Unit #92374
NOTE: going through a divorce and has small children...doesn't receive any mail
ADDED 11/17/03
SPC Broyles Randall ACO 1st BN atk
82nd avn regt
82nd airborne division
APO AE 09 384
ADDED 11/18/03
Captain Christopher A. Jackson
RS4, RHHT, 2ACR, Unit 92401,
PFC Martinez Taryn
Alpha Co 527th MI BN
She is very home sick with the holidays coming up, feels alone, ask for junk food and shampoo and conditioner
Commo Plt, HHC 1/32 /
Inf 10th Mountain Division FOB Chosin
Encouragement, snacks, gum, fun stuff
PFC Binder, Jared M
3-BCT/C, Battery 3/4 ADAR,
PFC Brown, Kathy
HQ/A 562FSB Unit #96064
PFC Evans, Karl D
C Company l’ AVN REGT
Fort Eustis, VA
likes twizzlers, beef jerky, pringles, gatorade, vanilla pudding - cannot have anything chocolate
PFC Kelly, Patrick
PFC Munn, Don
173 AB-BDE 554 MP CO
was suppose to be home for thanksgiving, told he had to stay in iraq until end of april 2007
PFC Romig, Sarah
HHB 1-4 ADA Unit 93020
PFC White, Shakim
HHC 2-37 HHC PLT TF 2-37
IBDE 1AD Unit 93034
receiving no packages/mail
PV2 Towe, Korey
1st Platoon, 101st Abn AASLT
Unit # 96080
PVT Harvey, Brian
C Co 447th BN 15th Signal Brigade,
Fort Gordon, GA
PVT. Miller, James Adam
B FSC/1-67 AR Unit #92607
needs encouragement and prayer!
Pfc. Hood, Tyler C.
C co 1-22 INF BN
Unit 92597
SGT Howell, Joseph
413th QM BN/1011th QM Co. 7th CSG
Unit 91700
soldier is receiving NO MAIL and NO PACKAGES
SGT Powell, Chrisopher L
2nd Platoon, Ghost Troop 2/2 ACR
Unit #92378
SGT Stevens, Jared Scott
TF 1/63 AR Mtr,
C/O 173rd Airborne Bde
LSA ADDER 377 / 171 ASG /
1057th TC/ HQ PLT APO AE
09331 - TALLIL
SPC Calaunan, Leonardo
B Co 2-8 INF 4ID
Unit # 92607
needs encouragement
SPC Cater, Neil
C Co. 1-37 AR, HQ PLT
Unit 93037
SPC Connely, Justin
requested by Annabel from same unit soldier not receiving mail or packages;
SPC Davis, Shawn
40th Sig. Bn
Maritime prepositioning Force
CMPF Staff
SPC Fletcher, Gabriel
1st Platoon, 101st Abn AASLT
Unit # 96080
SPC Ford, Harmon
584 MC
asked for cereal - especially honey bunches of oats
SPC Herring, Aaron
194th MP Co/716 MP BN
had heat exhaustion, dysentery, and Norfolk virus..
SPC Hoche Stephan
HHC 3/325 AIR
82nd ABN DIV
Unit # 96931
cards or notes
SPC Karlecke, Helen
800 MP BDE/822 MP Co
expected to be home for the holidays, now will be remaining in Iraq til Feb
SPC Kunz, Jeffery
HHC 326 EN 96186
whole unit is depressed....needs FUN things like board games, FUNNY DVDs or VHS tapes
SPC Lasseigne, Wendy
Unit #96064
needs encouragement
SPC Leon, Joseph
1st Platoon, Bravo Co., 2-187 INF,
101st Abn. AASLT,
Unit # 96080,
not receiving mail from home
SPC Likes, Mathew R
C Co. 389th EN BN CBT (H),
130 Engineer Brigade,
He is emotionally spent...only gets mail from mom and dad...
SPC Marken, Nicholas A
2485 S. 7th Street
Lebanon, OR
was wounded in recent attack, received shrapnel in his arm and has nerve damage - coming home!!
SPC Moore, Peete
HHC 2-37 HHC PLT TF 2-37
IBDE 1AD Unit 93034
receiving no packages/mail
SPC Pearce, Jason
HSC 244th EN BN,
555 ENG GRP,
collecting items for kids - crayons, toys, clothes, paper, pencils, shoes, etc.
SPC Pruett, Michael
B Co 2-8 INF 4ID
Unit #92607
needs encouragement
SPC Robison, Eric
88th MP CO (2nd Plt)
Camp Wolf
SPC Snyder, Brian
A Co 51st Sig BN
22nd Sig BDE Unit 91301
SPC Taybron, Bradley
HHC 2-37 HHC PLT TF 2-37
IBDE 1AD Unit 93034
receiving no packages/mail
SPC Yates, Trevor V
Fox Troop 2/2 ACR
Unit # 92377
Asking for school supplies
SSG Grace, James
400th MP BN
SSG Hernandez, Rodulfo
HHC 2-37 HHC PLT TF 2-37
IBDE 1AD Unit 93034
receiving no packages/mail
Spc Fletcher, Gabriel
1st Plt, B co. 2-187INF,
101st Abn AASLT, Unit #96080,
Major Richard A. Miller
Unit # 91483
asking for books, mags, and treats for soldiers NOTE: this major has over 9000 in his regiment...if you mail to him asking him to pass out to the soldiers, they WILL write back...they are desperate for mail....this unit is the one that lost SIXTEEN soldiers in the Chinook helicopter...every one of the soldiers had a service in Iraq and it was quite devastating for his soldiers
Is it Wed already?lol.
Good moring all,
Hope you all had a good night.I slept ok.Things re better this moring.Still having a hard time with my raffics and Aol being slow,thats about it.Unless you all are not getting my alerts.Not much here today,just probllay going to relax before going to work at 4.4 to 8.I am hoping maybe I can talk to one of the managers,since,this will be my day going back from being off 2 days.This hot choclate is so good,feels good I am working tonight,I am going to try and get that place back to normal,if I dont have alot of work to do,that is.Anyways,I am going to get off of here,probllay do a few things and just relax.Hope you all have a nice day.Looks a little gloomy here.Be safe and peaceout.I am still so confused on how to save my graffics,I go to save them and nothing seems to work.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
ok,I think I am finally,somewhat,getting the hang of the graffis
Thanks Sazzymademe for my beatiful graffic.
Good evening yal,
Sorry I didnt get back sooner.My Doctors app wemt ok,but,I have to get some blood work done,He wants to make sure I am ok.He seems like a good doctor.The place was easy to find,right around the corner from my house.So,Thursday Gary is taking me to get the blood work done,after He gets off of work at 2.Hoping it wont be busy.He wants to check everything,my throid,I know,bad speller.He read my whole note,well,He was with me when He was reading it.He gave me a prescription for Ambion,how ever you spell it.But I am also taking Amatriplyn.So,maybe,I will just take the Ambion and see how that does.I have had it before and made me really sleepy,like I was drunk and couldnt even get out of dont drink.Maybe,once in a blue moon,blue,blue,you can tell I am really guys,please say a prayer for my Mom,She really needs it.We had a tif and havent spoken all day,all night,I know you shouldnt go to be angry and I did say sorry.You all should read my private journal to find out.I am just in a loop.I dont know what to do.Anyways,I hope you all have a good night.Thanks for being so,kind and caring.Be safe and peaceout.One more thing before I go.Thanks for eveeryone who was helping me out how to actullay save the graffics.I love you all.
Its time to get up,out of bed and take a cold will wake you
I think I finally know what I was doing
Good moring all,
Hope you all had a good night.I slept alright.I have my app today,which I am glad I am going.I wrote a 5 page letter to my think thats a big long?I wrote of everything how I am feeling,what I am going through.I always get nervous seeing new doctors.I hope this one will be a good one.Its near my house,so thats a good thing.My Dad will drop me off and Gary will pick me up.Today doesnt even feel like a Tusday.feels more like a Wed or Thurs.When Gary picks me up,it is our date night,or date day,I should want to go to the dollar stoor.I love going there.They always have cute stuff.Thats were I usllay get my christmas stuff for my Co workers.I cant afford spending 25 dollars.But we shall see.Anyways,I cant figure out what I am doing worng with my graffics.But I will figure it out soon enough.I hope you all will have a blessed day.I am thinking of making another journal.Dont know how you all do it,with keeping so many safe and peaceout.Oh yeah,one more thing.If you go to Krissy journal,they have a Christmas journal,I been looking at it and came accross something that I am going to do.Writting a letter to the soliders.I think is a great idea that Krissy and HEr SIster thought of.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Its time for bed time.Nity nite
<IMG id=fullSizedImage alt=image src="" _extended="true">
Hi all,
Its me again,I am getting ready to head to bed soon.Just chatting with my couisn in im,havent talked to Her in a long time.I am wrote a 5 page letter for my new doctor to will probllay just skim I had so much I wanted to tell Him.Thank you all for being so cring and giving me good advice.Oh yeah,I will be working on my Christmas cards tonight.Hope you all have a goodnight and will see you in the Am,well,not to safe and peaceout.I added gif when adding this pic,must still be doing somehting worng.
Good evening yal.
Hi everyone,
Hope you all having a nice night.I am doing good here.Went out with Gary for awhile this evening.We went to the library and I got my Mom some good christians books,so,that should keep Her some company for a can read a book in 2/3 anyone knows of any good christian books from the libray or any good minstrays,I can get for Her next time.Thanks.Gary and I didnt do to much,just went to the library,went to the bank and we went to 3 brothers.I had some rench fries.Tommrow is my Doctors app.I so need to go.As of right now,my right hand hurts a little because,I was upstairs,ran into my door,I know,I am and hand hit the door,I fell down and my knee was hurtting a little bit.Everytime,something like that happends,which isnt often,thank God,always makes my knees hurt and sweel up like no tommrow.But onto another app is at 2,but,I want to get there a half an hour early,you know you always suspsed to be.Getting papers down and everything.This is a guy doctor,havent seen much of guy doctors.I dont need no exam or anything.I just want to tell Him how I have been feeling.Depression hits me hard during the winter time,you think I should mention that to Him?Anyways,I will probllay beb ack on here later tonight.Nothing on Monday nights,due to they put 7th Heaven on Sundays.Uugggggg.I might watch a dvd.Anyways,yal have a good evening and will be back later.Be safe and peaceout.
Thank you all for your help.
Hi you guys,
I just wanted to bring to you alls attention,that I didnt mean to what so ever to mess up all the pretty grafics.Thank you to Ddesgins for bringing it to my attention.In the near future,I will do my best to save them the right way.I knew I was doing some thing worng.I am clueless and dumb founded about this stuff.Thank you all for trying to help me out in all of this.You all gave me good advice on what I need to do from now on.What a blessed family I have here in J-land who cares enough to show me what I am doing worng.Note,I dont and would never mess any of the beatiful graffics you all sent me.I feel so bad,because,I have messed up.Hoping they will be ok and I can go back and save them the right way.I just cant thank you enough.The graffics are apart of my journal,each and everyone of you have a beatiful talent that should not go on ignore.I just wanted you all to know.Thank you so much for all of the advice and all of you wodnerful,beatiful graffics.I am feeling a litle tired after taking my meds,so,I am going to take a little nap before heaidng out.Be saafe and peaceout.
I did a boo boo and would like some help.Thanks.
Good moring all,
Hope you all had a good night sleep and waking up to a good Monday moring.I am doing pretty good here.I am just chilling.Not much planed today.I will go out with boyfriend later,maybe go to the libray.I need to do a few more christmas shoping and than I am done.My Dad is hard to buy for,but,was thinking of getting Him a new brief case,you should see the one He has already.I dont think He would even part with had that thing,I think,ever sience we were little,I wanted to ask you all a question,I belive it was Ddesgins who bough it to my attention,that,when I was saving all my graffics,I wasnt doing it the right way.So,I think I may have messed them all up.So,if you all can tell me what I need to,to save them the right way and not mess them up.I dont want to mess up any of yals beatiful art work.And if I saved the ones already,could I go back and resave them the right way?I know I save them all in Photo Bucket.Thank you all.I am mad at myself for doing that.I dont want to think that I was messing up all of yals graffics,I am not.I am just no good at puter stuff.Thanks again and have a great day.Be safe and peaceout.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I am off to take a nap.
Hi all,
How is everyones day/.I actullay am having a good day.I am so sorry for complaining alot,I just relized that.Things will get done,I belive that now.I just have to work it out in my own way.I am not saying She is a bad boos,Shes nice,but,not my just between you and I,I dont think She will be there much longer.So,I am just going to wait out.I was going to talk to someone today,but no one was there,She was there and I wasnt going to talk to have actullay stated to pray about this,which I should have done in the long run.I should be greatful for what I have,but you know how that goes.Life isnt always easy.She wants us to have our own Christmas party in our dapartment,were we pull out names and spend 25 dollars,I know that may seem alot to some,but,thats not alot to me.You know what I do every year at christmas time in my dapartment,when She wasnt there,I would go to the dollar stoor and pick out the cutest things.I cant use there lotions,they break me out.Get this,we only have one boy in there,I think He likes I am already taken and He is way to oyung for will be,whats the saying?Robbin the craddel?lol.Even thoe my boyfriend will be 50 next year,you didnt hear that from am so glad I finally made a doctors app to a new regular doctor and I will tell Him wats going on with my life and if thinks seeing a therepyst is good for me,He will probllay say to that note,She is good to talk and I have to learn how to make is one of my goals,She wants me to learn how to cook.I know,how hard is it to boil,I am hungry,going to make me a sandwhich and take a nap.Thank you all for being so patience and kind enough to listen to me rambel.Have a nice week.Be safe and peaceout.
I think I know what I need to do.
Thanks D's Designs for your beatiful graffic
Happy Sunday to all,
I feel a litle better this moring,dont know what I am going to do.Sundays are normaly busy in the stoor,so,dont if I am going to get a chance to talk to the head manager,maybe,I will talk to the ass manager of the whole stoor.I was so mad last night.I my bakery manager has alot on Her mind and I know She just lost Her son a last year.But I need to be happy in what I want in m life.I mean,yeah,I will work from time to time in the evenings on the weekends,but you think She would give me a break?Just because,I cant put orders away or cut donuts for the next day.But,like I have said before,you can do all that stuff in the evening.It dont matter.I just feel the boss doesnt care.I know I have been complaing alot about it,its just tearing me up inside.I am greatful to have the job,dont get me worng.I know alot of more people have it worse off than I do.But fair is fair,right?On another note,get this,my Boss,tells,never to make a doctors app on Mondays,because,I have to work,here I look at what my hours are,I am off Monday,tuesday and Thursday,last week when I was off Monday,She called me and wanted me to come into work.I just dont think She knows what Shes doing.I just hope and pray the other boss comes back.I mean,I had some problems with the other boss to,but would be alot better.Shes always ben there for me and always helped me out.I have half my mind to tell the head boss,I want to go to another stoor.I would love to go to this one stoor were one of my fave bakery managers are at.She used to work with us and She was such a swettie.She said,She would love to have me there.But,if you all could just say a prayer for me,that things turn out ok.I would be much greatful.I am greatful for each and everyone of you.I hope you all have a nice SUnday.Be safe and peaceout.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I cant take it anymore,I am going out of my mind!!!!!!!!
Can you say,I am ticked or what?I would normaly say good evening,but,tonight it isnt a good evneing.Its getting pointless,pointless at my work,and I am tottlay about to go talk to the head boss of the storr tommrow and talk Him,I really hate doing that and I dont want to do that and my boss knows well enough,I wouldnt.Because for one reason,I am not the kind of person to stab someone in the back,ok,well,I did one time,when She made a mistake on my hours.I am jsut getting so mad,frustated,angry,that She has me theeses off the wall hours,and I am not getting enough hours as it is.I am working 3 days out of the week,having 3 days off,as I have mentioned before,people underneath me have more hours than I do and they have better hours.That sucks.I am mad.I cant take it anymore.They was like,who you going to bump,since you have more hours than other people,they was like,well,you cant bump this person,because,He does this and that in the moring,no way,come on now.I was working with my other boss before Her,She always had me working in the moring,no matter what and the guy always comming in the evening times.It doesnt matter,if He cuts donuts in the evening time,it doesnt,because,HE has done it before,and I dont care what She is saying that She can depend on my that I cant get my work done at night,that no one else can.Bull.Can you tell I am ticked?Yeah,I am mad and I am not happy.I am tottlay upset,about to cry,tears comming down my face.I know the storr has been cutting hours,but its not fair that I always have to work in the evenings.Dont know if I will say something or not,just know I need to kool off.I am ticked.I know theres all kinds of talk in the moring when I am not there.This boss,let me tell you,I know Shes had it rough,Shes ok,somewhat,but,I am hoping and praying big time,that the other boss will come back to our bakery dapartment.The place is mess,you cant work,its terrible.Nothing gets done.I guess I am just vening off here a little bit.I am stressed,I am mad,I am angrey,I hate it,I hate myself,I dont even want to work anymore,thats how bad it is right now.To be honest,dont even know if prayer would help at this point,because,I havent even been faithful to God as I need to.But it hurts,I hurt,I am upset.The boss doesnt care.I am trying not to cry,but tears just keep comming down my face.She doesnt understand and I dont know why.They think I dont know how to work.I am good at what I do.Things are going to chage.As of tommrow,I dont know what I will do.But I will tell you one thing.I am not going to be happy,She will see it in my face,She saw last week,when I was upset,comming in on Sunday moring,the only day I get to work early.SHe thought boyfriend and I had a tif.But no.Its Her.She doesnt care,She may care to a point,but,about the people in the bakery and that place,She dont.I cant take it anymore.Sometimes,I just dont even want to be around.Tonight is one of theeses nights,as I am sitting here crying.She gives more attention to this other girl,thats ok,She needs attention,but,right now,the way I feel towards Her,is not much.I am not happy,I am not happy at all.But I am done with this.Because,I think I am going to go take a hot shower,cry some more,settle down.If you all have any advice on what I can say to the head boss,not to my manager,because,I cant get no were with Her.Thank you.Have a nice night.Be safe and peaceout.
Another beatiful day.
I wanted to say thank you to Desgins for the above graffic and Sazzymademe for the graffic at the end,they are on my side bar,they have beatiful art work,check them out.
Good moring all,
I think aol is being slow today.Uggggg,I have to go to work today.But,I am thankful I have a job.I hope everyone had a ncie Thanksgiving and hope you all will have a great weekend.I added some more people to my private journal,let me know if you got the link.Well,I am off,need to do a few things before heading off to work soon.Besafe and peaceout.NOw,its time for Christmas
Friday, November 24, 2006
Well,when I say this would be short,its
Goodnight yal,
This is going to be short,because,I am tired,not feeling to good about myself right now.How ever,I might watch a dvd and I wanted to list a few things I want to talk to my Doctor about on Tuesday.I would like to ask you all a question,I am not on any depression medicine,I have been on Zoloft and it has helped alot,but,the Shrink thought that all I needed was clonazepem,at this point and time,I dont see it helping.I was watching a commerical today about if you have or havent been on a depresion pill,that it could take a tol on you,even on your relationship.I just feel so out of it lately and dont feel like myself.Maybe i have mood swings,I dont know.So was just wondering,I know I have asked before in an early entry,what should I to talk with my Doctor.It just seems right now,I feeling more and more depressed than ever.Maybe its the Holidays,I dont know.Did I say this would be short?lol.Anyways,I am going to get off of here and get some sleep.Sometimes,I am even afarid to go to sleep.Is it just me,all in my head,am I crazy?Have a good night all.Be safe and peaceout.Thoes of you who have asses to my private journal,maybe you all could read that and maybe,I dont know,I just feel like I am all messed up.Thans for ebing there for me.
Private journal is still up,still working on it.
My mind is glued to this question,I have for you all.Thanks.
The Day After Thanksgiving
The before pic.
Waiting paticenly to eat
Thats Dad,kinda blury,
Thats my Gary,Hes kinda shy about His looks,but,I think Hes handsome,just the way He is.
The day after Thanksgiving,
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving last night.I had a great time.It was nice just spending time with my family.Everyone was susprised to see my boyfriend,as I said in my last night entry.He had a good time to.He hardly gets a good cooked meal,so it was nice for Him to be there and get a good meal.My Sister is a good cook.Dad cooked the turkey,my Brother N law carved it.Everyone was sitting around the table,just enjoying a good meal and a good converstion.They always tease me because,when they gather together at my house,I go in my room right after its brother n LAw was like you cant do that here,I should of said,well,I can go up to my nephew and neices I didnt.It was nice just sitting with all of them.I hope you like the pics,wish I would of got mor of everyone.My cell phone actullay takes some good pics.I hope you all will be safe out there today on Black Friday,there is alot of traffic out there.Well,I better get off of here and get a few things done.Have a great day all and be safe out there.Peaceout.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
STarting my Christmas card list now.
One more thing before I go to bed.I am now starting my Christmas card list,so anyone who would like one,you can let me know and we can exchange addys in EMAIL.Thank you.Have a good night.Peaceout.
I am so worn out.But I am glad today was a good day.
Good evening and good night all,hope you all had a wonderful day today.Did I go over bored with all the,what,I am thankful for?lol.Yes,I am tired.Its been a long week,long day.But,I am thankful,that today was a good day,it was nice just spending time with my family and my boyfriend.I wasnt able to take a nap today,Mom and I went to K-mart this moring,man,I was so ready to get out of there,that was the only stoor that was open.You think I am getting up early tommrow moring and going out?I DONT THINK do want to say,I feel like I am,is there a word called over drained?Or,maybe I should worn out.I feel I just cant stop and have to keep myself moving,I dont know why.But will talk to my new regular doctor about that on tuesday.My Sister goes all out and wants my boyfriend apart of the family,Shes a good Sis.But She did say at the table tonight,that He spoils,so,I never had anyone like that in my life to always be there for me and do things for me and ok,He gets me what I big stuff,execpt for the Dizney trip.Ok,I am getting tired,I just feel overly tired and,I mean,this week has been a little rough,I had more hours.But I feel I just dont want to let my body rest.But in a few munites,I will be taking my meds and going upstairs,getting into my covers,maybe watching a dvd and going to sleep.I have been addicted to watching The Sound Of Muisc,I love it so much.I am looking into getting the whole series of Anne Of Green Gables,I love that one to.I think I got off the sujbect of how special tonight was.My Sister and family was suspirsed to see my boyfrined there,my 2 nephews and neice came running outside to the truck 2 of them had no socks on and I was like get back in that house before you get neice Katie ran back into the house and said,Gary is here,Gary is was a night,I will remember for a long time.It was special.I love my family so much.I love you all.But right now,I am off to bed.How ever,I forgot to mention what happend today,with Mom and I,man was it CRAZY!!!!You had your types of people who was rude or nice.It was a mess and on the way home driving,my Mom that is,I am so nervous anymore now when I am with Her,it isnt Her falt,but we could have been in 2 accidents.One jerk,broke the law,I mean,what He did,He wasnt even thinking.He was trying to cut in front,He did,what was He in such a hury for?Just makes me mad.Anyways,I better get off of here and just try and relax and sleep.Hope you all had a safe Holiday.Peaceout.
I am thankful for you all,have a Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you all,
Its a wonderful day to be alive and to be thankful for many things.I am very thankful for everything,I am thankful that I got up this moring,got online,check my mail and saw my wonderful J-land friends.So,I want to wish you all again,a safe and Happy Thanksgiving,even to thoes journals I havent met yet.Its a blessings to know you all.I feel like we are one big happy family.We have our ups and downs,but we are always there for eachother.You all are so caring and giving.I probllay said before,but,will say it again what I am thankful for.I am thankful that I have so many special people in my life,like my family whos always been there,my boyfriend who is also there for me,no matter what,my bestfriend,my J-landers,my online friends.When I started this journal,I could never even think it would go this far,to go this far to even getting to know you all,how specail you are.I do want to say thank you to an online friend who,doesnt have a journal and always comes by to comment on mine.You are very special,Molly,thank you.Thank you to all.Have a wodnerful thanksgiving.Me and my parents and maybe my boyfriend are going over to my Sisters house,having our traditon Thanksgiving.Its always nice when we are there.I will tell you all about that later.Be safe and be happy,enjoy your special day with the ones you love.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiginv!!!!!!!!!111
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving,being with family,sharing the good times,the laughters,the smiles,the hugs,stuffing your faces with all the good food,that we are all so blessed to have so much in our lives.When there aer people out there in the world today,who dont have anything,people who dont have family to be with during the Holidays,people who dont have enough food to feed there family.We are so blessed to have so much.I cant say enough how much we are blessed.This is the time to give Thanks to the Lord for all of His wonderful things in this world that He has given us.This is a time to love one another,not a time to hate.I do think we should remind ourselfs of this more often,than just during the Holidays.But the Holidays does remind us of how much we have in our lives.We have our family,we have our Parents,Grandparents,Grandkids,Greatgrandkids,a house over our head to keep us warm throughout the day and night.We have people in our lives that we can depend on to be there to take us places,when we cant drive.I am just so thankful for everything,for this world that GOd gave us,for the people in it.Hoping one day,we all can come together in peace and in harmony.I love you all so much,you mean the world to me.I am blessed to have this journal,it has given me so much menaing in life,given me alot to grow.Which I am still growing and learning.I just wanted to day to you all,I love you all,my J-landers,my online friends,my family,my boyfriend,my loved ones.Thank you all for being there for me.I hope you all have a wonderful,safe,Happy Thanksgiving.I just have to say,Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday,not just for the food,but just for getting together,spending time together.Thank you,thank you so much.Be blessed,be safe.Peaceout.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Its been a long day.I lvoe you all.
Hi all,
Good evening,this one will be a quicky entry for me.I am so tired,worn out and ready for bed.Its been a long day.I had to work,than had a drs app at 6:15,worked from 1 to 5,didnt get home till after 8.I just took my meds and I am going to go to sleep.I am siting here with my eyes half seems to me everyone is either sick or having aome kind og opertion.So,I wanted to let you all know,I am praying for you all,my J-land friends,my online friends,all of my friends and my family and lvoed ones.I hope and pray you all get to feeling better soon.Would like to ad a pic,but,I am just way to tired.God is watching over you all.Have a good night.Be safe and peaceout.
Thanksgiving is almost
Good moring J-Landers,
Hope you all had a good night,I slept is another day to be thankful for that we are alive and well.I just want to say thank you all for being so kind and caring,leaving wonderful comments to brighten my day.I am happy to be here in J-land,you all have helped me so much.We have been there for eachother,I am greatful for that.After work today,I see my thereapyst,at 6,werid jours,but,I do need to see Her and talk with Her.She was nice enough to let me only pay 25 right now.I called Her yesterday and told Her how stressed I been,with worrying about so much.I wonder if She can prescribe me somehting to help me calm down,but She isnt my doctor who gives me my meds.I see a thereapyst and a sycolgst,I know,I am a very bad speller,but you all know what I am saying,right?lol.But,I will ask Her and see what She can do.I think during the Holidays everyone gets so stressed out.But,its good to talk to someone and let all your feelings out.Well,I am going to get offf of here and get a few things done.I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.Peaceout.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Gratiude....what I am thankful for
What am I thankful for?I know I am thankful for so many things in my life,it may seem hard right now for me to do this,but,I am,I am thankful for the life that God gave me,even that is hard for me to say,but I am thankful.I am thankful,He died on the cross to save us from our sins.He gave us so much in life,that alot of times we forget,when it comes around Thanksgiving,that shouldnt be the only time to be thankful for so many things.Thanksgiving is my most favorite time of the year,its not just eating food,its being with your family,your loved ones.Thats whats all about.Before preparing thanksgiving dinner at the table,your just having so much fun with your family,your necies and nephews.The laughter is filling in the air with smiles on there faces.The house is all cozy and warm,everyone talking,watching football or movies.everyone helping everyone get the table together with all the yummys of the food.Imigin the food,the turkey,sturring,mash patoes,sweet patoes,coleslaw,cranberry sauce,rolls,a basket of pretty fruit in the middle of the table.The table itself looking so pretty,decorated,napkins,plates,cups,forks,knifes,ect,looking like Thanksgiivng.Waiting so patiencly for it all to be ready.When its ready,we all gather around to sitting down at the table.My Brother N law Bill says grace and what we are all thakful for,still the smiles remain.Than its time to dig in.Thanksgiving in my house,when I was younger,was always a time to remember,everyone gathering around together,still like today.Spending time with family,loved ones,thats all that matters,thats all that should matter.We thank God for what He gave us.This is alot to be thankful for.I am thankful for my family,my friends,my job,my coworkers,my health,health insurance,the colthes on my back,the roof over my head.I am thankful for people in my life always helping me,always being there for me when I need them.God has made this possible,He made this for us,for us all to come together at one,to spend time together,just loving eachother,caring and sharing for one another,lending a helping hand.I thank you God for all that you have given me in my life.Thank you for doing all that you have done.I cant say enough of what you have given to me.I have a good life,I am happy,I am alive,I am here.I am thankful for my J-landers who I have come to know and getting to know alot.Thank you for this day,for Thanksgiving,not just Thanksgiving,but everyday that I am alive and well.Thank you for my friends and familys life,that they are alive and well to.Thank you.This is what I am thankful for.
Thank you all for ebing you!!!!!!!!!
Hi all,
Good moring,hope you all is having a good day today.I feel somewhat better.Thank you all so much for the encourging comments.I am so greatful for you all and love each and everyone one of you.I am still feeling stressed about a few things,but,GOd must of been looking out for me,because,I had to make 3 phone calls this moring.I made a call to my bank and I only have a 100 in there,should of been more,Dad says they are taking 12 dollars out,I guess,everytime I use it,but,I havent even been going to the bank in a while.So tommrow,I am taking it all out and I want to open another account into another bank,which there is a bank right inside my stoor,it is Providences,I hope its a good bank and will be much easy for me to just cash it there.We shall than callled my Arthitis doctor and left a nessage for Him,telling him,I cannot afford paying 3 hundred dollars for my shots,it is just to much and I would like to go back and pay 100,they probllay have gone up some,but,it will be much easy for to do that.They sent me a paper,trying to get it free,but,it doesnt work that way,they look into seeing hoe much you get payed and I dont get payed that much.So,I told Him how I felt and thats what I wanted.Last,I made a call to my therepyst,sounded like I was almost crying and I told Her how I am feeling about being stressed out,because,I cant pay my bills on time.She still wants me to come in tommrow and we can talk about it and see what we can do.She was very nice.I am still stressed about a few other things,but,I will put that in my private journal.I didnt delet it,I think I need that one.Anyways,thank you so much.I know,one ting is I need rest,I havent gotton much of it.I cant seem to relax.Last night,how ever,I did a little bit.Anyways,I am about to leave for work.I hope you all have a nice day.If I dont hear from any of you all,I wish you all a safe and Happy thanksgiving.Belive me,I am greatful for so many things.Be safe and peaceout.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Ii am just mad in genrel
Ok,I really,want to say,good evening and how are you all doing?Ok,I just did.But for some reason,I just dont feel like doing much of anything,I dont feel like being nice,I know its worng,but,right now,I just dont know what or how I am feeling.I feel stressed,mad,angry,hurt,all of the above,it just all hit me at once and to tell you the truth,I dont know why.I know this is the time to be thankful for so many things and all the blessings in the world.But,for the life of me,dont ask me why all of a sudden,I cant stand to be me.I feel useless,hopeless,feeling like giving up.This isnt me,this isnt who I want to be.I am begining to hate eveything around me.Why am I beinging this all out in the open,I dont know.I am not looking for attention,I am not looking for people telling me,its all going to be ok.Right now,tears are actullay comming down my face.I feel like no one understands me,no one cares.I know I am feeling selfshif.It is worng for me to feel this way,but,I feel it.I feel drained.Well,its a good thing I am seeing my therepyst on Tuesday.Which,I dont have the money,but I will,dont worry.Thats another thing.I worry about so much,about how am I going to pay my bills.sometimes I feel like I need a new atmsfere in life,you all know the word I am trying to say.Maybe I do need a good rest.I hate working the hours I am working,and maybe I mentioned in my earlyer entry that,my boss likes me working thoes hours,because,She can depend on me getting everything done.Its not fair and I think everyone should at least take turns.But She says,I can by in my own,working by myself.I am tried of everything,life in genrel.I am sorry to bringing this all down on you guys.But I just feel I need to get it all out.I dont like myself very much right now.I feel like I am just tottlay burned out.So here I am just venting away,letting it all go.Sometimes,I just wish I wasnt even around.But I am here,and there must be a reason why I am here.I dont even know what that is.Sorry guys.Well,I am turning in.Going to get a goodnight sleep,maybe watch a dvd and do some cards.Have a good night all.Be safe and peace.One more thing,I just dont get it,why She needs me thoes hours,when I have every right in my book to say somehting,oh but Shedpends on me,boo hoo.I am not jsut mad about that,just life in genreal.Goodnight.
What is the deal?
Good moring everyone,
Happy Sunday to all,hope you all is having a good day.I am up and ready to go to work in a bit.At least I get some more hours this week.I am just sitting here,thinking a few things about life,when I am not thinking about things.When am I not thinking of how to get my life were I want it to be?What is holding me back?I want to be happy in my life,I am happy,but,not content and what does that actullay mean,being content?I need to do things,get out there and enjoy life,but,its hard at times and I do enjoy life and I am happy,like I said.I am greatful for so many things in my life.I just cant figure out for the life of me,what is holding me back from enjoying the life I want?Does everyone think of this,what they want out of life?I have a good family,a few friends,a good boyfriend.But I feel soemthing is missing in my life,I feel it in my heart and I just dont know what that is.Its not like,I want to learn how to drive or go to college,I dont want that.I dont want to drive,because for one thing I am scared to,but,I have had people tell me,I would be a good driver,I think I would probllay just be like Mom or my BOyfriend,they drive the same,I think,at scary out there.I still get edgy when I am in the passagners seat,after the accident Mom and I had in the summer time.I think what I am most scared about is,cant belive I am actullay going to say this,dying,or somehting bad is going to happend to me or my loved ones.That scares me the most.I want to stop thinking that way.I want to be more posative,and I used to.I hate to hear people say good things about me,ack,I dont like it,dont know why,but I dont like it.I dont like people telling me,I am a good person,I have a good heart and I like to help people.What is worng with me?Told you,I had a few things on my mind.Maybe even someday,I wont have to be on any isnt the time.I think alot lately about God and what is He all about.I am a christian,sometimes I feel as thoe I am not and I doubt Him alot.That was really hard for me to Mom,my Sister and my Brother in London all are in church,good christians.I am a christian,but I seem to doubt alot of things for so long.What is the deal?Anyways,I will stop here,because,need to finish getting cleaned up and go to work.You all have a nice Sunday.Be safe and peaceout.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Just tired.
Goodnight all,
And this is a goosnight.I am so tired,dont evne know why.I feel all drainded out.All I want to do is get into my covers and go to sleep and thats what I am going to do.So,I am making this short.I hope everyone is enjoying there weekend.I got a little upseet about work,you all must be tired of my saying this and I finally ask Her,why am I working everyday from 1 to 5,I usllay only work it on the weekends,now Shes got me working everyday.I know,SHe did say that She can depend on me getting thigns done,why me?I have a life to.But a good thing came out of it.I am off Thanksgiving and Friday.But in no way,I am getting up early,very early in the moring to go shoping on,what do they still call it?Black Friday?lol.My Mom and Sis usllay trys and go,but it usllay never,you thought this was going to be safe and peaceout.
Just wanted to say thanks.
Its me again,
I just wanted to say thank you to Cheery and everyone else who bought this to my attention.I was going,I finally deleted it.Thank you so much.I am not even dressed yet,but I still got plenty of time.I know this week I will probllay get a few more hours.I actullay felt like going back to sleep this moring.I did for a while.Than got up,took a nice hot bath,felt like falling alseep there,I am up and ready,just not dressed.My knees are somwhat swolen,dont know why.I think I need to drink more water,yuk,or tea.Anyways,thanks again so much.I am glad you all are my 2 family.Have a wodnerful day.Be safe and peaceout.
Someone please tell me what did I do wonrg?
Good moring all,
Hope you all are having a good one.Ok,first of all,I am so confused as to the comments you all left in my journal,did I do somehting worng?I dont know what you all meant by edditing.I am clueless.So,please let me know if I am doing somehting worng.My last entry,I used that picture from the mailing list,it is not a,I have no woke up,came online,read my comments and I was like,ok,what did I do now?lol.So let me know and I will fix it.Thanks.I am glad I have good J-land friends to help me out,to point me out what I did worng or what I didnt do,enough about that.Nothing much going on for the weekend.I will be working today againf rom 1 to 5,dont mind it,but I do mind it,because of spending time with my boyfriend.He will be working late tonight anyways.Let me tell you,it is getting really busy in the groicey stoor.It was crazy last night.My Dad picked me up at 5,when I got off,put the groicys into the car and everytime we tryed to get out,someone kept walking in front of Dads car and He had to stop.That is kinda scary,scary for me,because,I still get nervous after having the accident a few months ago with my Mom.Thats one reason why my Mom doesnt drive hardly anymore,She didnt before,now its a good idea for HEr not to be driving,as She gets very nervous.She never drives on the beltway,never,unless,She has to,but,She hasnt been on the beltway in a very long time.I actullay got up this moring,actullay did an entry,whic I hardly get to do in the morings.SO I am good to go.I was trying to look for my stamps,but may have to get some more,I need to anyways.Well,I am going to get off of here and get some things done.It just bables me,cause,I dont know what I did worng in my want to offend anyone.Have a wodnerful weekend,I am sure some of you all are probllay having early Thanksgiving.Be safe and peaceout.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Time to get up ou of bed and get going!!!!lol.
Good moring all,
I hope everyone will have a nice weekend.It doesnt feel like Christmas,because its not even cold and we have no snow,this always happends.If we get any snow,its usllay later in December.Would be nice if it would snow on Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve,but,that enver happends.I am a little upset because I cant find one of my fave movies,The Porlo Express,I think I lended it to someone and didnt get it back.Maybe it will turn up or I wil have to buy a new one.Everyone that knows me I love Dvds,I must have over 100.But I am not good at keeping them all together.Thats what I will probllay do tonight.We have the kids for a little while,why my Sister and her Hubby go Christmas shoping.I have to work today from 1 to 5,I am really getting tired of working thoes hours.I keep thinking they will change.bUt one thing is for sure,if the other boss comesback,I am and will tell HEr,I need my moring hours back!!!!!!!Pront on the,I need to get off of here and get a few things done.I do have a few new Christmas Dvds that my 2 Nephews and 1 neice can watch tonight.Its the old time classics dizney ones.I love thoes.I want to look for Chip and Dale Christmas or another one of my fave is, it seem like I am getting in the spirit of Christmas?lol.Well,hope you all have a wonderful weekend.Oh yeah,our lights went off 2 times last night,once in the evening and once late at night,for some reason,it always wakes me up when that will talk with you all later.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Yes,I am very
Good evening yal,
Hows it going?Good I hope.I am doing pretty good here.I am going to get ready to go to bed after I do this Entry.I feel like I had a whole week was fun,and than again,not having any money in my pocket,due to being on vaction and I already had cashed my vaction time in before I left,so,I didnt get a pay check last week,will get one tommrow.And there is a whole in my pocket,nothing for me,I am doing Christmas shoping.Its going to be easy this year.I know what I am going to get Gary.He says His Micowave works,but,it hasnt for a while,so,I am going to get Him one and He is always needing pots and pans.I alwys get Him somehting from Avon,He loves the clone,how ever you spell it,I know,I cant spelled.And no,I dont want to clone am going to get Him 2 big gifts and a few small ones.Gary and I decied to get a Gift Card for my Mom at Khols.For my Dad,I have no even more hard than anyone.My boyfriend is somewhat pretty easy.I am also getting my Sister a Gift Card from either Target or Khols.Sometimes its funny,because,we usllay wind up getting eachother the same thing.Like one year,we got eachother a way,I am glad,I wont be working to much,so,this year,I can actullay not be in panic to get everything done,meaning,when that happends,and I am usllay working alot,like say,8 hours everday,which I used to be working,I cant do that,my whole body would shut down,my kness would be so swolen up that I can hardly walk and that has happend to many times.Last year when we had the meaniest boss in our dapartment,which by the way,She was hard on me,thats a long story I will get into at another time.It was right around Christmas time,She had me working 8 hours everyday,with only one day off.One day Gary picked me up,went to get something to eat,we was sitting at a bar and I was in alot of pain.When we was leaving,I had to lean on His shoulder and someone had to get me a chair,thats how bad my knees get at times.I am somewhat happy and hoping this all goes right,that,either my hours will change and I will get a few more hours,or,my boss,not the mean one,my boss that was working before this one will come back.I over heard.I know,thats not I couldnt help it.One of the co workers was like,I bet you will be glad about that,I did say,I liked it the way it is now,and She was like you know you want more hours,I didnt say nice to have this boss,yes,She doesnt get mad at you if you dont get things done or if somehting goes worng.I like that.You dont have to worry when you leave.And if the other boss happends to come back,I just hope She has changed.She can be bossy to.I know,its hard on a boss,I really do.Thats why,NO WAY I WOULD EVER BE A BOSS!!!!!lol.I give them all the credit for what they do.Let me tell you,she has been there for me alot and helped me out in so many ways.I guess you can say I was HEr pet.I dont think some people didnt like that.Oh well.One good thing about that is,if She does come back.oh boy,I better watch out,because,that bakery,will be taken all out and put it all back together the way it was,meaning,the bakery now,is a huge mess and I dont want to feel like I am judgeing,but,She will have it spotless clean in a me tell you,I hate it now,cause it is a mess and you cant find anything.I try my best to clean things.But,its like the boss now,doesnt care.Ok,enough about me venting with that.I did get a card today,which was a very nice thought.It was from my dentist,I gave my boss,the number and She called,I told my boss,I said,I think its about time you need to do so many people dont like going to the dentist?And,yes,I am one of thats all taken care of.I need to email my Brother or better yet my Sister N Law from London and see what the kids would like for Christmas.My Brother doesnt read His email a,I am going to get off of here and get to bed.Might sit up and get my address strighten out.Did I tell you the lights went out in our house this evening?Very realery it does,even in a bad storm,but it did today.I just took a nap and it came on.Boy,I must be talkative,does anyone know any stress excerise?I know of one,that I do alot and sometimes at work.I take my hands,put them behind my back and give it a good stretch.Ok,I am off.Goodnight.Sweet Dreams,dont let the bed bugs bite.Be safe and Peaceout.I really dont know why I am in a good yeah,one more thing,I havent made my mind up yet about deleting my private journal,one of my J-landers mentioned that I shouldnt delete it yet,cant remember who.Thank you.TaTa.Did I see,Photo Bucket changed a little bit?
Out and about.
Good moring all,
MAybe I can actulay get an Entry in this planed for me today,execpt,probllay going to the stoor with my Mom.Sometimes,I feel like just saying no,I dont want to I guess I will.They are calling for bad weather all day today,rain,thunderstorms.Maybe thats why my knee was acting werid,but true,my knee can feel when its rainy,snowy or damp out.I know,I am geting old,right?lol.I feel like going back to bed.I eat another box of my favr peprige farm cookies,I think I wont by anymore for a whule.But if I see em,I wil want them.My habit,is I take them to my am going to start filling out my christmas cards.But I guess I better get off of here and get cleaned up.But when we get home from the stoor,I am taking it easy today.Dress warm today.Be safe and peaceout.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Be Aware!!!!!!!!!lol.
I guess I felt the need to write another Entry.So much on my mind.First of all,I am going to delet my private journal,as I have no time for journal is enough.If I want to in a later time to put one up again,I will.I been thinking about so many things in my life.I want to say,that,I am comfortable with my life right now,in some ways,I am,in other ways I am not.I want to start improving my life better.I am always saying that I am not happy,that,I am miserable,but you know what,what it all comes down to.Its just Me feeling sorry for myself,being in my own pitty party.I have so much to be thankful for.I will be honest,at times,I want so much out of my life,but,really dont know what that is at this time.I want to actullay say I am happy,again,some ways I am,other ways,I am not.So many things have hapend in the past that,yes,I do regret,I am not doing this enty for anyone,but Me.I want so much for my life to actullay setlle down,be the way I want to be.I look around in my life and the people in my life,they are happy and why cant I be happy to?Because,I have to be happy for Me!!!!!!ME!!!!!As scary as it is,I want that.I know its an everday task,to be happy,not leting things get to you.Things in my life do stress me out and I do worry alot,you all know that.I know my Mom wants the best for me,wants me to be happy.To be honest with you,I dont even know if I want to be married,that,right there,is confusing.Yes,I want to be with someone and,yeah,I do want to be married,but,maybe now isnt the right time.I dont know.I dont know what is the right time.All I know is,I want things to happend,I only want good things happening in my life.All through out my life,I have just been in this pitty party for so long,why?Its not getting me anywere.I do sit up in my room and alot of times,most of the time,I get depressed and I ask myself,were is my life going?What do you want out of your life?I have always wanted to help others,make people happy,give them something of my life I can give.Do you all know what I am saying?Or am I just confusing you all?I will also admit,that,I want so much happyness for my family,even the ones who I dont speak to,that is even my brother.So much hatered in this world,that is what is scarying me,so many people have hate in there lives,and there is no love,no sharing,no giving.I am just sitting here doing nothing.I have so much to give and I dont.I just thought of soemthing,out of the blue.I would like to write a letter to my Arthitis Doctor,Hes been a big help,but I would like to tell Him,everything how I have been feeling,I dont know,something has just come over me tonight and I felt the need to say it to you all.My Doctor knows,I am depressed,but,I dont want to be.Maybe someday,I can live without pills,but right now,I cant,and I feel guilty because I depend on them.And another thing,I would like to talk about, would like,love to make new friends,hang out,go to the movies,but I dont know how to do that,maybe they dont want to be around me.Maybe they can sence I am not happy.I dont share my feelings,like,I am saring this with you all.What I am saying is,I want to change and I dont know how.My boyfriend,has been the best guy in my life to help me out so much,at times,I feel like I am traped,but,I never want to loose Him.Is that worng?I love Him alot.I guess,what,I am trying to say is.I need to stop beating around the bush.I am 34,and things have to change.I am always making other people in my life happy,my Mom.Now its time to make me happy.I dont even know what that is.Anyways,its getting about that time and my shows are comming on.Thank you all for listning to me vent,but this is actullay not,well,yes it is.But,I jsut needed to get some things off my mind.thank you all for listning.
I am just plain tired!!!
Hi all,
How is everyones evening?Hope you all having a good one.When ever I try to get on here in the moring,after doing all of my alerts,I would try to get an Entry in,but,never seems to happend,because,I am either having to go with my Mom,which I did this moring to Target,Christmas shoping,than,came home,did some cleaning around the house before Gary came to pick me up.I was going to try and do an Entry than,but Dad was on the puter.If its not me,its Him,but you wont see Him in the chat rooms and He doesnt have a see my Dad having a would be funny.I think He just bascillay gets on to check stuff and stocks,which I nothing about.It has been a very long tiring day for me.All I want to do is go to sleep,but,I want to watch my 2 shows before I go to bed.Gary and I went and saw a movie today,the Santa with Jack Frost,I have to be honest,it had its moments,were it was ok,but,I was half falling alseep during the movie and so wanted to take a kept trying to keep my eyes open and hopeing would this movie ever end.I love Christmas movies,I do,but this didnt stand out for me,how ever,the ending,I did like,it was a cute ending and I did like it when they went back in time.So,like I said,it had its ups and think the all time most fave christmas movie that I like and cannot find is The Polor Express with Tom Hanks,that was an AWSOME movie.I think I lended it to someone and never got it back,dont you hate that?I feel right now,I am just so tired and want to sleep,if I am laying in bed,watching my shows,I think I will fall alseep.Mom asked me if Gary and I had a hissy fit,because,I was a little cranky this evening and I said,no,I am just took 2 of my old phones I dont use anymore and is going to show them to the lady who picks Her up and brings Her home from church.Mom feels like She needs to do something,because,She pics Her up and my Sister tells my Mom,She shouldnt feel guilty.I am glad my Mom isnt driving at night,it way to dangrous.I think I know what I want to get most of everyone forChristmas.My Mom,I asked my boyfriend if we can go in together and get a gif card from Khols,She likes Khols,Shes been there once and She really wants to go back,so,I want to at least give Her a 60 gift card.My Dad,Hes advice would be much know what I am getting Gary,ofcourse He always tells me no,and you all know I cant do that.I feel bad He does so much for me and I cant do enough for Him.My Sister and Her Husband a Target gift card,maybe Khols,not want a Lap Top,Gary knows that,but,not sure if I will get know,you can say it,I am would like to try and sell the one computer sitting up in my room colecting dust and I have a play station 1 I never use.But we will see what happends.I told Gary,that is the olny thing I and the ring,but havent gone there yet.Well,I am going to get off here and do a few things.I hope you all have a nice evening.Oh yeah,I did get somehting done onto my cell phone,and in no way,I cannot loose that phone.I got a winnie the pooh,kinda like a stick onto my cell,it is so cute,but,I dont know how to take a pic of that,unless I can take it with my you tell I am tired?lol.Be safe and peaceout.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Me and my Boyfriend Gary.
I wanted to add this pic from when we was in Pcean City.I think its an ok pic,but,it looks as if my face is
Pics of Dizney and will ne more,now that I found out how to work my
Hi all,
Hope you all is having a good night,I hope ou all sleep well.I wanted to share some pics from Dizney,I have a lot more as I found out how to work my messing around on the puter and found out.I was proud of,hope you all enjoy the pics.I will add more,but it takes time to add them all into email,than save them,than go to PB.So here you go.
I love this pic,we are all with Piglet,I bet you know were I am?lol.than thats my neice Katie,dont know why She is pushing Her Brothers head out of the pic,than the other one is my oldes nephew out of all the grandkids.he thinks Hes so big,doesnt want to take pics with the us and pooh bear and
That is not a very good pic of didnt even know Shrek was in the pic with me,when my Sister took is He laughing for?lol.Ok,thats all for now.I wil show more later.I will see you all in the moring.Be safe and peaceout.
Its all
Good moring all,
Hope you all had a godnights rest.I had a good night sleep,well,somewhat.Everything is ok with my boyfriend and I.Thank you all for your wonderful and good advice for me.I am greatful to have wodnerful friends like you.I woke up early this moring and found a text message,from,guess who?Yup,it was from my boyfriend.So,we made,you all are right,we really do need to sit down and talk things out.Just dnt know how to do that.Who would of thought my journal would last this would hear a few J-landers say when they first start there journal,that they want to delet it,but dont.Its I think I am going to delet my other one.As I really dont use it that much,but,I want to make another one that will be more useful to me.Will,let you know what I will do.I fnally got rid of all of the unwantted stuff I didnt use and saved all of my graffics right onto PB.I am proud of I want to go through my favorite places and add all the journals I added in there onto my journal.But have a question for you all.When I add all of my stuf from my favorite places to my journal,does that mean it will save forever?Or should I still keep it in my fave places?Thank you for your help.Nothing on todays agenda.I think Mom wanted to go to Target,but,She went back to sleep.I have a dentist app,that I keep calling it off,so,I better keep this wont be in there to long.I will be going out with my boyfriend today.I hope you all have a nice day and will talk with all later.Be safe and peaceout.